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LINK Press Watch: Every Trump story is about the same thing: His ruthless, limitless power grab |

In a lot of ways, tRump is an extension of an Executive Branch power accumulation that has been happening for at least the last 40 years. tRump just happens to be more ruthless and self-serving in his grifting than those preceding.

The question now is: 'What to do after he leaves office?'. Will we ever be able to approach a balance-of-power government again?

From the column:
What Congress does next — and in particular, what Congress does after Trump — has huge implications for the future of our country’s governing structure. And unless it involves a radical reassertion of congressional power, future presidents will have precisely the kind of tyrannical power that the Constitution was designed to prevent.

RichCC 8 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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He wants the Precious! But we mustn't let him have it!

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