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QUESTION NRATV’s Colion Noir to Parkland teens: No one would know you if classmates were alive - The Washington Post

Assholes like this are why we can’t make progress. I wish we never HAD to know a child’s name that was shot.

Rideauxb 7 Mar 25

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You lost me at NRA...

A loathsome lobbyist group. Wretched terrorists, I'd say...and have.


The statement is an attack on the media, not the kids.

“To all the kids from Parkland getting ready to use your First Amendment to attack everyone else’s Second Amendment at your march on Saturday, I wish a hero like Blaine Gaskill had been at Marjory Douglas High School last month because your classmates would still be alive and no one would know your names, because the media would have completely and utterly ignored your story, the way they ignored his,”

@Rideauxb I quoted what he said and didn't cherry pick part of it to slope the message. My take on what he said was that the media is using this to fan the flame, and I agree that the media is. They are ignoring any story where a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun. He is also pointing out that if you don't have a Second Amendment, your First Amendment will have a limited life. Blaming the NRA (no, I am not a member) for gun violence is the same as blaming AAA for car deaths, when in reality, they are both trying to make us all safer.

@Rideauxb I'm not worried about a good guy with a gun either, but that's who will have to turn in their gun if some have their way. To the government turning on the people, it might happen, but I hope that the ones in uniform see that they are being ordered to kill the wrong people. I know it's a far fetched idea. They condition them to obey orders, not think.

@Rideauxb ammosexual is a derogatory term which like other derogatory term is something I can't respect.

@Rideauxb "don’t create your own fake news to get your point across."
What fake news? I used the whole quote. You used only the part of the quote that did not convey the message he said, but maybe the one you wanted to make it look like he said. Again, addressing the kids, he pointed out that the medias are using them to fan a flame. They are not covering the other school shooting and the hero who, sadly, had to shoot a kid. Why isn't the media fanning a flame to stop violence? Instead they are promoting the taking of guns from people who are not criminals of violence, and never will be.

@Rideauxb "I can’t respect groups of people who love their guns more than they love children. That they would try and smear a child...that’s despicable."
And you want to say fake news should be stopped?
I know of no law abiding citizen who love their gun more than children, nor are they going to smear a child. If you would stop your smear campaign and see that no law abiding gun owner wants to wrongfully harm anyone.

@Rideauxb I missed the link. I'll check it out.

@Rideauxb The fake news of the right making it appear that Emma Gonzales tore up a copy of the constitution to smear her. I posted the link to you."

Okay, I read it and it is true that there is a lot of fake news on BOTH sides. I don't see how you're trying to pin this on the NRA or trying to put them in a negative light. They didn't start or spread the fake news. They do NOT condone violent crimes, and they actually condemn such activities. They, just as much as anyone, what the crimes to stop. If people would only look at it for what it is, they would see that they are on our team to stop this madness.




His time is coming too...

Hutch Level 7 Mar 25, 2018
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