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I am sure she speaks highly of him also!


The usual divide and conquer route. During Obama's time this was mostly kept under wraps. tRump has unleashed all the swamp crawlers who think they speak the truth (actually it's only the usual ploy for separating suckers from their money.)


And this SOB is in a TAX-FREE business!

Let's make them pay taxes to help the natural environment. Same with the largest corporation the US military. That really would be creative and healthy for the public.

@Castlepaloma Taking on the GODLY BUSINESS and removing their tax-free status seems almost impossible, doesn't it? Want to stand against the Vatican? Scientology? I'll stand with you but...we'll probably be ''disappeared" fairly quickly!

Yes, evil ways sides with them.
Jesus would not approve, he would help the poorest of poor, like me an artist. If Jesus did exist and of course he would never get elected based on helping the poor..

@Castlepaloma I don’t think Jesus would be discriminating over poor and not so poor if my understanding of the mission is correct!


When Christains are against the mother earth enviorment they are soulless to me. As humans we are only one species out of millions. If we took a calendar year within 4 billions years. We have lived on earth for 10 minutes compared to dinosaurs who have been here for 3 months. Meaning we can easily go extinct too.

Nothing is more important than healthy food, water, air and what's in the soil for our bodies. In fact it is related to the top ten ways to die.

What on earth is more vain and condensending than a God , certainly not a Greta Thunberg. A God who tells humans that the world won't end by humans self desstruction, yet by God's angry wrath. Obey or God will do something like Noah Ark again. All based on fear, not on reality of facts.


This is frightening....ignorance and vitriol..all mixed up with Christian fundamentalism. It’s extremely dangerous and people like this guy are preaching this hatred and being listened to and believed by the gullible and the uneducated...but worse, as we can see in this video, by the young impressionable minds of children. I am shocked that this is what is being preached in the USA!


Greta is not useful to the cause, she is a brat, she is a bad messenger but there is no need for name calling. There are civil ways to tell how Greta is not helping the cause.

How are Christains ignorance helping the cause?

Christians or non-Christians, the point is here is Greta. Not Christians as I understood. When the subject is Greta, the discussion is Greta.

When someone on the extreme left calls for Trump's head, the hate is wrong but the fact remains that Trump is bad man.

Even Trump is backed by Congress which backed by 95% Judeo/Christains Council. Also American are 80% Christains. Trump claims himself chosen by God. Even the Pope doesn't believe that.

Yet, American Christians are most concerned about war, money and sex. Christians understanding of a healthy environment is their least concern. Christian are jealous that nature is a religion and one I would subribe to rather than centruries of mountains of BS. You will notice that the majority of non believers do support the natural environment greater than a Trump or an anti environmentist christain group. Plus 97% scientists.

I am discussing Greta. You are discussing Christians. Wasn't the post about what Greta was called and the hate behind it?

This post is about preacher stating that Greta is a Religion of the mother earth enviorment. In vain of the Father of the imaginary skys. She has been hit on by so many Christains hate environmentist groups.

I don't see a single bone of hated in Greta. She doesn't talk about hate only her love for nature and the health of herself and the health of other generation in the future.

@Castlepaloma "How are dare You?" at grown up world leaders where she was invited is what? A mature behavior?

Greta Thunberg is outrageously strong and incorruptible'. I find these assumed world leaders of the hierarchy bankers are all corrupted in degrees. It takes an outrageous grass root people to peel back the layers of evil destruction. You can trust the system all you want, where I grow my own food and create my own inner circle of health and happiness, that I trust.

@Castlepaloma You know there are minds on both sides that are made up no matter what the facts are. You cannot convince Trump supporters that Trump has acted wrong. Hillary supporters still believe she deserved to win in 2016. Christian followers believe that everything in the Bible is true, Hindus believe 330 million Gods are not enough. I am not going to convince you. Please continue.


This country is now fueled by nothing but hate

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