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Is anyone else dealing with a broken heart? My husband left me with no warning a month ago. Any tips to get over it?

Moosie822 4 Mar 25

Enjoy being online again!

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When you feel sad or angry, find a safe outlet to release those emotions. Give yourself time to heal, this is major. Consider counseling to give you perspective. Reach out to your friends. Take care of yourself!!


Even though I suffered at the hands of my wife, I still miss having someone to converse with.
It takes time, and some effort to move on, but we must eventually get on with our lives.
It's different for each person though, so you'll have to adjust at your own pace.
Don't let anyone rush you nor hold you back. ?

Agamic Level 6 June 12, 2018

No warning? really? you had no idea? wow! tough. but after my last debecle with human I think they will do anything. not give a shit if you get hurt


No tips, but do get over it..
I think you may start to appreciate your time away from him..


If it’s unconditional love you seek and healing from the treachery of humans, there is no better remedy than a long-haired miniature Dachshund.


You're better off since he apparently didn't have the same feelings about you. Allow yourself the grieving process especially if you were together for a fair amount of time. After break-ups, I never jump directly into another relationship. I think it's bringing unresolved baggage into a new one and relationships are hard enough. This will be a good time to focus on yourself and love yourself enough to go through the healing process. A bad relationship (on either side) is certainly much worse than no relationship.

people always say that but after being alone for that last 5 years i would be up for some bad relationship


After over 5 years alone, I still would rather have only myself as company than be back with another control freak abuser.
But we're all different, so not everyone can do that.

@Agamic you too huh that was my deal a control freak abuser. i deal with loneliness every day but going back gives me the creeps


Yesterday was the fourth anniversary of my wife's death. It was slightly asier than the first one. It all takes time.


Think of this as an opportunity.


Just accept it and do your thing. Who cares, you know?

yep don't waste too much time on him. not worth it


Yup, figured out my wife cheated, she got an ex parte, then next day brought a new man over. Then got mad when I took my 2 kids I have custody of. Never thought I would have let her time beat me down mentally. Never knew evil, when you are vulnerable to someone, and they use your weaknesses against you it's hell. I have support, which is nice. But when someone crushes your soul, not much helps.

man do I knowthat one. abusive relationship.


28+ year marriage/relationship ending. Try everyday to recognize the opportunity I have to live, learn, grow, move-on. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fall into the big, gaping hole of need and loneliness that is me. Also trying to not beat myself up for those times I do fail. Even when the fail is epic. Know exactly what you're going through. With you in the struggle. Peace.

Thanks. It's kinda like grieving I suppose.

fail doing what? anything? everybody fails. except an old bf of mine who become an uber 1% by marrying into it


Dealing with it myself. Had been dating for a few months. Thought we were happy then out of nowhere it was over.

Hard to trust anyone anymore.

yep. i met a guy who I though was taking things slowly. I texted him that "shape of water" was a good couples movie. He then called me and wanted to come over. it was late and I said i was in my PJs. he said no matter . He they proceeded to jump on me. practically choking me with his tongue. I said i needed to slow down so he left. Then i got a call saying he was never attracted to me.

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