Would it have been better or worse?
Inventing gods, etc. as a primitive explanation for natural phenomena isnt by itself a destructive influence on develping humans and societies. Gods and the like, including and especially godesses, seem to have been our invisible friends in a form or other even in 'pre-history'.
The era wherein gods and religions defining and promoting them became malignant seems to have begun about 6,000 years ago, give or take about a thousand. Climatic changes like sudden desertification, I believe, changed the importance of males' roles from subordinated to family and tribe to one of dominance upon changes in conditions necessitating greater assertion of specialized male physical attributes. Desertification and want caused damage rom famine and rampant disease connected with it.
Migration to lands that could support life from desertified areas also called upon males' abilities to fight over and disposess those already occupying such lands.
Theretofore, most to allancient cultures were Matrist hunter/gatherers with some agriculture mixed in and as such, unprepared and defenseless in the face of force and violence of militant, conquesting male dominated tribes. Those were times of the advent of Violent, domineering, warlike, always male godheads in the rapidly desertifying areas of Northern Africa, Middle East and Central Asia. Theologies promoting them were also male dominated; thus women were forced from roles of leadership and parity to little more than property, like cattle and children.
We still suffer the cumulative malignancy wrought by this fundamental change in societies and the ways they define themselves and their allegedly moral principles.
How would the world have been without these six millenia of male domination, wars, child abuse and mutilation, subjugation and abuse of women and children?
I'd use one of the few surviving models of Matrist societies left in the world that were protected by natural barriers from discovery by the emotional plague of mankind called Patriarchy. They were few by the 19th.com/20th. Centuries, remote and surrounde by oceans. In the Trobriand Islands an anthropologist by the name of Bronislaw Malinkowski thoroughly studied and journaled his experiences with one such culture and many controversial conclusions were drawn from it. Title: 'A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term' (posthumously, 1967)
The social ills afflicting our generation and centuries of generatios in the West preceding us were absent among these gentle people and their Matriarchal culture. Others but very few discovered in remote places like Indian Ocean islands also survived. Most were devastated and absorbed many centuries ago. This, I believe, had not climate wrought extreme need and accompanying extreme damage, would have been the way the world would and should have developed.