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LINK Happy Separation of Church & State Week! -

Americans ought to be uniting over the US Constitution and working to better understand it, rather than continuing to believe the misconception that we live in a Christian nation. The Constitution’s First Amendment provides that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Our nation’s founders were very deliberate in their decision to draft an explicitly secular Constitution so that true religious freedom would not be hampered and sullied with involvement by the government. (In that vein, Religious Freedom Day is observed each year on January 16.)

zblaze 7 Dec 9

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Religion has always been a weapon of armies and sailors....missionaries ALSO are briefed and debriefed by the CIA....SPYING AND TROOPS inside USA is prohibited by law .....there have been wars by and against Mormons slave states and genocide against Native tribes.....when believers came they had bibles we hand land we only have bibles and they have all the land


We have an issue here in Hawaii with the separation of religion and state. There is a group of people wanting Hawaii to secede from America, and are using the word "sacred" to cause a standoff and an illegal blockade on the road up the side of a mountain where the parts of an approved telescope are waiting to be built.

The protesters, breaking state law by blocking the road to the top of Mauna Kea, are infringing on the livliehood of those who work up on the mountain, and have cost the tax payers 11 million dollars so far just in police protection ensuring their safety.

This standoff is also depriving Hawaii's children of millions of dollars in education grants and other benefits of the telescope they are protesting. The protesters camp and eat for free, supplied by goods and services from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, which in turn is funded by all the taxpayers in Hawaii.

My tax dollars are going to this group which is running on the word "sacred" with the goal of creating a 3rd political party called Aloha Aina to secede from America.

Most of the protesters are likely collecting government benefits, all the while saying they are not part of America, but the "Kingdom of Hawaii" so they don't feel they should follow the federal or state laws.

Our state government so far has been caving to the standoff, for which there is no end in sight. They are breaking the law, but because they use the word "sacred" they are getting away with it, because by using that word, the government is afraid of arresting them, since it would look bad.

While they surely have the right to resurrect some aspects of the ancient religion they profess to believe in, they do not have the right to infringe on the rights of others. The religion they are resurrecting included human sacrifice and other beliefs that most people nowadays would not approve of, but they cherry pick a few beautiful things about it to celebrate. All this is causing quite a division within the state.

Many people alive still remember when Hawaii was conquered territory NOT A STATE until 1960 when I was 8 years old..... 1st dude MR PALIN barely kept his mouth shut when his pregnant wife was Alaska Governor and he was a member of the secession movement.....religion was used by Russians to conquer Alaskans and by British missionaries to conquer Hawaiians.....greedy Americans have bought up stolen land in both Pacific places....if truth were told instead of current lies on all sides GREEN JOBS FOR EVERYONE CAN MAKE PEACE WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US

My uncle is buried at USA CEMETERY PEARL HARBOR

Japanese are attacking AGAIN AK & HI this time with Fukushima isotopes


There are many people in the USA that do not believe in separation of church and state. many are Christians and Muslims. I guess the constitution is a "living" document and can be changed.


We have to ask "does freedom of religion allow Sharia law to be legal in the USA"? Sharia Law is fundamental to Islamic doctrine.
Some Christian sects handle snakes. Seems like that would be against the law considering we have to wear seat-belts.


Thanks for giving me some much needed hope today.


Besides, the Founding Fathers were Deists, not Christians.

Thomas Paine DEIST was the driving propagandist for the war revolting from King George....Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson praised PAINE COMMON SENSE....most xians were Church of England with very few baptists and catholics while Quakers and Lutherans were more common George Washington allowed chaplains to follow his troops taking notes as they preached::: " lame discourse " was a frequent entry in the General Diary


I'd be a lot happier if the fatheads in power weren't trying to tear down those boundaries.......


U. S. Constitution is the establishment of the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers secret religion. Please feel free to separate yourself from supporting the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper European invadors and return to you land of ancestry and take your governmental terrorism, taxation and religious oppression with you.

Word Level 8 Dec 9, 2019

DOES THERE HAVE TO BE A DAY OR WEEK? To me it's every day.

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