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Vegetable Frittata

Tomorrow for book club, I'm going to make Vegetable Frittata because most of the women will bring cookies. We are meeting from noon to 2:00 to do a gift exchange and potluck.

I'll bring a mild salsa because it has potatoes and eggs. Will cut the frittata into 8-10 wedges, and slide it onto a round platter.

Vegetable Frittata

About ½ pound thin-skinned potatoes, scrubbed and diced
½ pound mushrooms, rinsed and thinly sliced
2 teaspoons salad oil
3 to 4 green onions, ends trimmed, thinly sliced
5 large eggs
12 slender asparagus spears, chopped into 1’ pieces (remove tough ends)
2 cloves garlic, diced
12 plum tomatoes, seeded and chopped
1 teaspoon dried Italian parsley, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup cheddar cheese, grated
½ cup water

In a 10 to 12-inch frying pan with an ovenproof handle, heat pan and add oil.

Combine potatoes, mushrooms and garlic. Sauté on medium-low heat, turning frequently, until mushrooms begin to cook, about 3-4 minutes. Add ½ cup water. Cover and cook over medium heat for 8 minutes. Add asparagus and tomatoes. Cook until potatoes are tender to pierce, about 4 minutes more, stirring occasionally. Uncover and let liquid boil away.

Beat eggs, grated cheese, green onions, dried Italian parsley, salt and pepper to blend. Pour over cooked vegetables. Grate more cheddar cheese on top, if you wish.

Cook on low heat, until eggs begin to set at pan rim, about 4 minutes.

Broil 6 inches from heat until frittata feels set when lightly touched. Cut into 8 wedges. Serve hot or at room temperature. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Makes 4 servings.

Per serving: 392 calories; 22-gram protein; 21-gram fat (7.7 saturated); 29-gram carbohydrate; 259 mg sodium, 445 mg. cholesterol.

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 18

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Sounds perfect! And, somewhat of a balance to all the sweets brought in by people...


@Cutiebeauty, @RoyMillar, @LatentumCattus, @Toolguy, @Haemish1

At book club today, the 15 women loved the Vegetable Frittata. Used seven eggs and more vegetables. It took longer to cook. Rushed it to book club still hot.

I was right. Apart from a little smoked salmon and fresh vegetables from a grocery store, everyone else brought cookies and desserts.

That's great... Glad you and them enjoyed... Don't you just love when others like your food?


Yes, I love it when people enjoy food I cooked.

The egg was tender, vegetables were bright and done. It puffed up under the broiler and was lightly browned. Perfect.


I've made a potato frittata before... Basically the same recipe but without the tomatoes and asparagus... 😊.
This sounds like it would feed many people!! Do you make your own salsa?


No I used Paul Newman's mild salsa. He gives the profits to charity.

@LiterateHiker I make my own... Cause I use salsa on many dishes including corn chips 😊

I used to have a salsa garden - onions, garlic, peppers, tomatoes and cilantro - I made some pretty good salsas from it.

@Haemish1 I don't like cilantro... Do you still like salsa or make it?

Does cilantro taste like soap to you?
If so, it’s genetic.
I have some auto-immune issues that nightshades seem to exacerbate, so even though I love salsa and other spicy foods - I seldom eat them any more 😕

@Haemish1 yes, it tastes like soap lol I use oregano or basil depending on my mood

Don’t forget the parsley - it’s extremely nutrient dense!


Another yummy one ❤️


Ooohhh! YUM!

Have you ever tried it with just egg whites? Frittata requires eggs, natch, but does it need the yolks?


I have never tried making it with egg whites. It would lose the lovely golden color.

@LiterateHiker - That is true. I was just looking at the cholesterol and wondering how to lower it. Between the yolk and the cheese, those are the culprits - and I do love to tinker with recipes without sacrificing any of the YUM.



I used to make a similar frittata for holiday brunches - they’re so yummy 😋

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