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I dislike any organized religion

I was raised in a very Catholic environment, yet my father had no religion. As an adult, I sided with Dad. He proved to be right. I believe there is a god/goddess, but not a"true religion."

What are your thoughts?

Btw I am new...

QuietGina1 2 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Same here. Though, my Dad’s father’s imposed religion was catholic, it was fortunately lost on dad 🙂 The organizational aspect of religion creates a template of expected beliefs and worship behavior that should be - and likely once was - valid for one person -- not everyone or anyone else.

Religion should be personal, not communal, as it’s based on ephemeral assumptions loosely related to life observations. It’s not real, so how and why should & could it be imposed on someone not having ‘discovered’ those identical feelings within themself? They’re Cults gone wild!

Varn Level 8 Dec 28, 2019

Welcome, and I agree that any religion that is subject to administrative rule and therefore in that sense organized is pretty much despicable and a large scale con run by immoral money grubbing thieves.
Religion itself as the word suggests is a form of mental bondage, tribalism and control, I am glad to be rid of it out of my life.


Welcome, but be prepared for a lot of flak over your god/goddess belief. No flak from me. I consider myself a religious naturalist, which you can learn about on Wikipedia.

Some of the New Thought churches might appeal to you, especially Unity.



Why do you dislike any organised religion? Does that mean you like disorganised religion?

l. I do not believe that there is one way to worship. I despise the organizations as well. The pedophilia scandal hit hard in our area, and I know some of the culprits. It was a subculture that I believe persisted for generations.

When a religion touts morality and flaunts immorality...not just Catholics...there is a hypocrisy that is unacceptable.

@QuietGina1 So you are just talking about your experience with Catholicism ?


Deism is somewhere between religion and agnosticism, and very far from my take on the supernatural. But I usually call myself a board church sceptic, and so I am happy to say welcome to the site and please enjoy, the more differences of opinion the more interesting we are. Do check out the groups if you have time, there is something for everyone.

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