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Does anyone deal with narcissistic personality disorder or bipolar? I have parents who are these people that are like the worst people to be around when I suffer from ocd and anxiety..I'm 38 and my parents still treat me like a's like walking on eggshells and glass...

Ravenwolfcasey 7 Nov 20

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I was married to someone who was exactly that - narcissistic & bipolar. My advice would be to distance yourself.They may give with one hand, but will take with the other to your detriment. Also, they will place blame on you that you do not own. It's an unhealthy environment to be in.

You're 38... Get away from them. My heart goes out to you...


I have borderline, OCD, and bipolar my mom knows this but still is often toxic to the point she says I am going to die soon because of past suicide attempts.

That's bipolar mother wishes me dead when she's mad at me..and then later acts like nothing happened..and that she never said horrific hurtful things to me..calling me she's a teenager


Just last year it occurred to me that i am no longer reliant on my parents for anything. So i told them they were toxic and that they can fuck right off. I've been very conflicted about it, but more and more i feel like i am on the road to recovery now.


I myself have depression, borderline disorder, PTSD, and horrible anxiety. My Mother is always pushing me to go a head doctor. I already do. Lol.

If they are narcissistic, no wonder you have issues. It’s horrible growing up being told how horrible you are, and how it’s all your fault.

My entire life since I was 14

Ashwagandha does wonders for anxiety.. It's the only thing besides smoking or eating cannabis once in a while

never heard of that, i might check it out

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