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LINK 'Living fossil' may upend basic tenet of evolutionary theory

Long held scientific beliefs taking a beating lately!
First dark matter is brought into question... now natural selection is under scrutiny.

TheMiddleWay 8 Jan 17

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We need Sciarts with good causes, including peace, integrity, non-tyranny and terra.protectivity.

tipi Level 7 Feb 9, 2020

This is not new, I recall reading articles in the new Scientist 20 years ago about women working the arctic or antarctic while pregnant had discovered that their children even when moved back to temperate climates had a higher resistance to cold than either of their parents.
This lead to research that discovered that environmental factor trigger in the mother the release of DNA modifying enzymes that predispose the embryo to climatic resistance.
The same thing had been discovered in ant colonies thirty years ago, where a queen that had imbibed small amounts of pesticides gave birth the larva that were immune to the poison.
It therefore long been known that implanting the embryo of one species in to the womb of another species wildly changes the temperament and physicality of the fetus which rarely if ever can be carried to term.

The idea that DNA alone predetermines the outcome of the pregnancy, has long since been debunked


this stuff is a little too thick for me to stir, but it sounds like epigenetics are more like settings than switches I'm sure even for DNA it's nice to have a more complete tool box. if that makes any sense. if it don't remember that I don't know what I'm talking about.

@TheMiddleWay not so much evolution, as Revolution. I reread your comment and understand the inherited DNA can be affected but seemingly over Generations and not within one. that does seem kind of pointless.


It is a fascinating article. That there is an enzyme that acts like a molecular Xerox, is simply astonishing.


Fascinating subject but I got lost.

Entire populations have been observed to change over wide areas almost instantaneously, much too fast for natural selection to play a role at all. This article seems to be talking about epigenetic changes through natural selection, something easier to understand.

Evolution is not fully understood.

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