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Gay over Athiest

Why is it that religious people will some what accept a person being a homosexual, but not an athiest? Is it possible that the hate crime laws deter religious taunts towards homosexuals?

lem31167 5 Nov 21

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Atheism is the antithesis of theism (duh!), so atheism is by definition abhorred by theists. OTOH, as much as the religious right may find homosexuality abhorrent, it is far from mutually exclusive.

godef Level 7 Dec 10, 2017

Homo and arhiesm are different topics.
why should they be related??


I don't think it's the laws, it's more about how churches with negative messages (you'll be punished if you don't do this) are having a tough time attracting new people and/or keeping the old ones, so many churches prefer to use positive messages to bring people in and keep the ones that are there.

Here, the catholic church used to be very controlling and threatened people with Hell and stuff, to a point where the people got totally pissed off and threw the church out of everything they had an hand into before - education, health, orphanages, government. I think they learned their lessons and don't want that to happen again anywhere.

MarcO Level 5 Nov 24, 2017

In Islamic countries it is the opposite. They are ok with an Atheist as they believe that it can be just a phase.

some people have recently posted the opposite


I've seen young people on other message boards explain what it was like when they came out to their very religious parents that they were gay.
Many said their parents told them that they were so worried their child was going to say they were an atheist, they were relieved to find out they were only gay.


As a gay man, my personal experience is that atheists are far more accepting of gay people than religious persons. There are some atheists who carry dogmas that ori9ginated with religion. Although they may be more outspoken, they do not represent atheists in general.

Most religions that do somewhat accept gays, do so conditionally. In that you can be gay as long as you never act on your sexual attractions or feelings. That isn't really actual acceptance. It is more an accommodation of scientific views that sexual orientation is fixed at birth, and a way of perpetuating belief in the face of direct contradiction to church doctrines. In short the conditional acceptance is an adopted dogmas to perpetuate existing beliefs.


Because disbelief is the only unforgivable sin in the Bible. Everything else can be repented.


As Christian religions began to lose more and more of their congregation they have had to make some concessions to the hard and fast rules they imposed. By relaxing the rules they hope to attract the younger generation.

Many churches will welcome non-believers as long as the non-believer will listen and not try to convert their members.

When something becomes acceptable in society then religions will usually back off their rhetoric. The bible thumpers are a different story.

Betty Level 8 Nov 21, 2017

I live in the bible belt an these people would kill gays an athiest if the law allowed it.

@lem31167 I'm in Canada and it is a little different here. Hopefully, things will change if not in our lifetime then in our children's lifetime. Stay safe. 🙂


I do not believe so. I believe that some Christian sects are more liberal and see the LGBT person as someone who believes in their God, unlike atheists who do not believe in any supernatural being. A small number of Christians still believe that homosexuality is an ailment, but do not see their rejection of atheists as a "hate crime" but recognition of their "extreme disbelief." If a person whats to persecute atheists, they will despite the laws of the nation. Some believe that the laws of the Bible outweigh the laws of man, though the Bible does not mention homosexuality directly.

True. Ty I never thought of it that way.

I’m a recovering alcoholic sober 4 years and change. I lived in a gay neighborhood so my first AA experience was an LGBT meeting because it was 3 blocks from my house. Looking around and hearing stories from incredible people who have overcome huge obstacles before getting sober, feeding me the strength I needed to overcome . I really can’t expeess enough how grateful I am for all the churches who open their doors for addicts.

Fast forward a few years, I had a daughter for a gay male couple. I’m an ex-Mormon and practicing Buddhist, the dads are Christians and regularly attend church. I attend with them when I’m town. I adore the minister and his wife. The minister baptized our daughter and married her dads. Reverend Shockley’s “flock”are activists for social justice matters. They march in every gay pride parade, women’s march, Pro-choice part of the Indivisible movement, immigration and refugee causes, climate change healthcare, clearly progressive.

Even though I am not a Christian it’s comforting to be around people who try to make the world a better place. Bottom line, religion and the lgbt community has given me more than its taken. It is possible for cats and dogs to get along., but you have to want to.

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