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Taxes through the roof?

No matter if you are a Dem, Republican or Independent, i think we can all agree We pay uncle sam way too much. One would think that having a democrat in the white house would result in higher taxes but i have paid more in taxes thanks to the Trump administration compared to any other administration in the past.

What about you?

oraldictation 4 Jan 22

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Americans want a lot of stuff, but they don't want to pay for it. The Scandinavian countries pay much more in taxes than we do, and yet they are always the countries that have the happiest populations. The reason is their governments spend the money on them. If you take the money Americans spend on health care and college, they spend about as much as Scandinavians do in taxes, but the Scandinavians are not nearly as stressed out as Americans. Stress kills!

@oraldictation You tax high income earners and corporations more because THAT IS WHERE THE MONEY IS! Yes they are more socialist and they are happier and they don't murder each other and steal from each other every day. If you believe a government's main job is to provide great highways and a large army then you must really love North Korea's government.

@oraldictation It is not nonsense. Look at history in this country. When the people in the middle class and lower are comfortable and not stressed, crime goes down. That is fact. Your taxes go up because the wealthy and corporations do not pay their share of taxes. That is also fact.

@oraldictation Statrisistics back me up. No one of wealth is paying enough in taxes. That is fact. I didn't say all, but there was a list published of those who paid nothing and it is made up of companies like Amazon. The economy is not great. The economy is not even good. When the middle class down struggles the economy is not great. Hence higher crime rate. You sound like someone who is completely out of touch with reality. You should do something about that.

@oraldictation I didn't put you anywhere. The wealthy do not pay enough in taxes. When talking wealth, I am talking 500 million and above. I wish I had that post listing the corporations which paid zero taxes. Amazon is not the exception. The list did not include corporations which paid very little in taxes, but I am sure this is not a short list either.

@oraldictation I could not care less about you. You are not wealthy. The information is there it has been published here and elsewhere. The minimum wage was a $1.60 an hour. A person could actually live on that in most places. Had the minimum wage kept up with inflation it would be somewhere between $12 and $20 an hour depending on how they figure inflation. Here is a list of some of the corporations that paid no taxes. Amazon. Chevron, Delta Airlines, Eli Lilly, General Motors, Gannett, Goodyear, Halliburton, IBM, Jetblue, Principal Financial, US Steel, Whirlpool, and some fifty more. As I said that doesn't include the ones who paid very little. The information is there. Evidently you are too lazy to look up the information or just don't want to know. You give me your opinion I give you facts. So unless you have something besides your opinion. you really have nothing to say as far as I can tell.

@oraldictation It is not about me you ignorant fucking douchebag. It is about the COUNTRY! It is "wHining" not wining. Being ignorant is one thing. Being proud of it and putting on a public forum is a whole new level of stupid. At least you have reached the heights of something. Wear it proudly. 🙂

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