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GoodMan 7 Sep 29

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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My girlfriend told me I should get on as she found the site beneficial, I wanted to explore her ideas and thoughts, wanted to explore other people’s thoughts.


I just got tired of Facebook. This site has more thoughtful and interesting people who actually think rather than are just a bunch of "ditto heads."


I felt this was a safe place to meet like minded folks, share thoughts, learn and also get educated and who knows what might happen in between all of that.. keep my options open.


Mostly it just nice to find people who put evidence and reason over delude dogma.


There was an ad tucked amongst the countless "pray for Vegas" posts on my Instagram. It was like a life raft.

I know how you feel, so many people trying to feel better about themselves while doing absolutely nothing, it is nice to find an oasis isn't it?


Nice poll - thanks!

Admin Level 9 Oct 3, 2017

Not enough people on here to consider it a viable source for dating.

Not yet... but we're starting rolling out more advertising. Cost about $3/member and we want to get up to 100,000 members by the end of the year. We'll be also rolling out a more clear "Dating" section.

That's what I figured. But as far as gay dating goes, that's always going to be a very small pool.


To meet a young red headed freckled girl.
Is that too specific???


I suppose 'helping spread acceptance and understanding of atheism' ought to be an option on here too. When I joined an atheist group during grad school I'd been a very comfortable, well-reasoned atheist for almost 20yrs, while many of our members were only 18-20yrs old and were just coming to grips with what it means to live as an atheist. I think it is important for such 'new' atheists to have 'older' atheists to hang out with while solidifying their understanding of their philosophical stance. If in addition to meeting and interacting with like-minded people, I can help put vague feelings into words, provide arguments and anecdotes, and otherwise help bolster others in their development as atheists, 'my work is done'. 😉 Really, though, in religion people have elders to turn to when they need to discuss things, but atheists seem shy about the idea of having 'elder' atheists around to talk to when they have similar crises they need guidance about. I don't NEED to be in an atheist group to feel better about my atheism, and I doubt I'll meet anyone from this group in person anytime soon, so my real life social life won't benefit from being in this online group, but I know that no all younger/newer atheists can articulate why they are atheist, or imagine what it looks like to live contentedly as an atheist.


I chose 'Interact with Like-minded individuals', but I would also say possible dating (not sure if there is anyone else here from KY), and also just curiosity about the community.


I'm getting rather tired of chatting with someone, really hitting it off, getting to the end of a great night together and hearing them say, "I broke up with my last boyfriend because he just couldn't accept Jesus." /sigh

That can be disappointing 🙂


Also: I went to my Facebook September Thursday 28, 2017 and seen the Ad in it. I was Surprised by it. (I used to be on Message Boards with Atheist/Agnostic's Freethinkers in the Past: 1997 - 2013. Used to be on EP until it went off the Internet. Then the Sites went off the Internet.) I had no other places since to go to or be involved in. I thought this looks good to try this out here now and see if things will look up again?


I joined out of curiousity, maybe to date and talk with people with similar mind sets as I have. I’m not an atheist, but I’m not exactly a believer in god. That’s why, though I am spiritual, I also consider myself agnostic.

Belle87: Welcome to Many of us are at different points in our disbelief. What is your definition of spiritual?

Spiritual, to me, looks like celebrating holidays, sometimes praying, but not being sure if there is anyone listening or if it really matters. When I pray, I'm not expecting some divine revelation or response from "god", it's like meditation for me, it helps me find a focus when I'm overwhelmed, find calm when I'm stressed, and talk out the problem without unduly burdening another person. It doesn't matter to me if someone hears me or not, that's not the purpose of prayer for me. I study different religions and faith traditions, and follow my own path. A little bit of Wicca (I know it is a fairly new tradition, but I like that it is accepting of people who follow different paths), a little bit of Buddhism, and a lot a bit of common sense and thinking about reality. I can't prove that there is a higher power but I also can't disprove it. This doesn't mean that it doesn't exist to me, but it does mean that it is pointless for me to try to argue either way. I follow my own path and respect others paths as well. I don't claim to know everything, I don't claim that believing any one way will "save your soul" or anything like that because I don't believe that would serve any purposes other than piss some people off, push people away, and make others feel bad about themselves. Even if the only person I save on this earth is myself, that's still one person saved and I can live happily with that.

I like to hear other peoples views on morality. I've been listening to The Friendly Atheist lately and love it! When this site popped up in my Facebook feed, I was intrigued and joined up. I don't know what I'll find here, but I hope to find some interesting people and good conversation.

I'm kind of there too. I don't believe in the existence of deity. I feel that all things are a manifestation of the life source of energy and vibrations that man labels as "God".
I love Buddist philosophy, and I find some scientific basis for the practice of "witchcraft". In playing connect the dots, I'm finding connective roots that intertwine the majority of the religious myths with metaphorical astrology.


I'm happy in a relationship so no dating for me. I thought it would be cool to interact online and possibly in person with some atheists if they seem friendly. I've had a lot of luck meeting up with some people from a Sam Harris fan group on Facebook.

I’m part of various agnostic/atheist groups on FB also. Perhaps I’ll also check out the Sam Harris fan group. Welcome to


One part Interaction, one part Dating


Too bad it's radio buttons instead of check boxes. I would have selected more than one.

I started to use the multiple option, but figured comments would also be helpful

Yeah, me too.

I would like to meet like-minded women (in my case) and cut out the awkward questions about "do you believe in god, etc."


just wanted to see how active the website was


A combination of 2 of the pole options.

  1. to meet potential love interests, but...
    2.also to interact with other like-minded individuals.
Donna Level 6 Sep 29, 2017
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