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LINK Trump insists there was 'an attempted overthrow' of US government | MSNBC

He doesn't seem to understand that impeachment is not a government overthrow, but a legal means to remove a bad leader.

snytiger6 9 Feb 16

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Yeah, and Trumps still overthrowing the constitution.

1of5 Level 8 Feb 16, 2020

Heyyyyy when is trump going to start that whole "make America great again" thing he's been talking about for three years ??

Leetx Level 7 Feb 16, 2020

That has been trumps mindset everyone is out to get him!!!

A paranoid schizophrenia complex that has more money than actual intelligence!!!

His criminality allows trump to think he can do anything and get a way with it!!!

A true insane Fascist mentality Ill criminal who has never been punished until his impeachment!!!


There is a lot things he doesn't understand. That is one of the reasons that is country is so fucked up.


It would be a much shorter list to list the things the orange one does understand than the things he doesn't understand. His ignorance knows no limits.

That is so true!

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