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Talking of sheep, who has questioned the media narrative on the Coronavirus?

The numbers aren't that scary when put into context:

Average number of people killed by regular flu each year since 2010: 34,571

Percentage of people who have flu who die from it: varies between 0.096% and 0.176%, average 0.135%

Percentage of people who die from Coronavirus: 3.364% (about 24x the rate of the normal flu)

Worst case scenarios, the predicted 40-60% of the world's population get the flu:

3.08bn infected
103.6m deaths

4.62bn infected
155.4m deaths

Sounds bad until you compare it to the number of deaths we normally have worldwide.

Number of deaths each year worldwide between 1950 and now: ranges from 46m and 57m

You've got about a 4x increase in the number of deaths worldwide, if everyone who dies from it dies in one year and none of the deaths are those of people who were frail enough that they would have died from something else anyway.

Let's say that the entire world catches the flu all in one year:

259m deaths or about a 6.6x increase in the number of deaths worldwide.

Most likely, though, the predictions aren't going to come true, this will blow over like the last (how many has it been now) times we've had a flu scare and oddly people will have forgotten all about it next time a new, especially strong strain of flu comes around.

UpsideDownAgain 7 Feb 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Grief hits the bereaved in the gut like flu in the lungs
...... your maximum 259 million dead will likely have 2 billion mourners attending non stop funerals, disposing of estates and family heirlooms and a likely increase in revenge killing .....terrorists bombing CDC in Atlanta show trials of laboratory "researchers" accused of inventing the bugs.....I on the other hand see people who care lining up behind a crooked old man who is NOW telling the truth mostly what needs to be done as a hopeful movement forward for USA National Health

No doubt. But 259m will not die. That would only be with a 100% infection rate plus the current death percentage, which won't happen.

Also, around 57m of those people will die anyway, virus or no.


Willful blindness is a beautiful thing

lerlo Level 8 Feb 28, 2020

How ambiguous of you.

@UpsideDownAgain more willful blindness

@lerlo Your logic is astounding.


Sounds like something pence would say..

That was a really compelling argument. Your evidence is overwhelming.

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