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What is your biggest fear?

Is it a natural fear or debilitating (phobia)?

CM1965 7 Mar 31

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Well its not their fault. The airline should be able to accommodate all body types.

lol ?


Spiders. Like I mean really big spiders. Saw a video (fromAustalia?) Were a spider was carrying a rat. Didn't finish the video.

That sounds frightening!! I’m fine with little spiders ? but if they are too big to smoosh with my bare hand ? then I gotta pull out the big guns. Ummm that’s code for a rolled up newspaper. lol


Fear itself, oh and snakes too, can't forget snakes.

Yeah don’t forget snakes! ?



How about snakes on the plane? LOL

@CM1965 I don't much like snakes of any kind, plane or otherwise. Now those plane snakes, are they the kind passengers bring on the plane or the other kind.

@lbusche ? I think they ARE the passengers, but they can’t get their seatbelts tight enough.

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