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Probably, but most likely in a different way, like Baruch Spinoza proposes.


I hope not, but there will always be believers in something until science has a tangible explanation for everything. It constantly amazes me how humans are happy to give away their power to other humans or worse invisible gods. It just makes no sense, even if survival is your goal.


Probably few Abolitionists of the 18th Century imagined that de jure slavery would be eliminated in their lifetime. Dream big, but remember that de facto slavery is still abundant. Civilization is a long process, and it is fragile. When civilization staggers, we regress into barbarism.
It's easy to believe in gods, especially when ostensible faith is enforced. Rejecting the current mythology takes some brains and guts.


I don't think religion is going any where. Numbers may decrease... but I think there will always be believers.


Human nature need to believe in God.


I don't think anyone will believe in anything they all have what they call Armageddon which would be the destruction of earth but its gonna be funny when everyone of them are all waiting to die and they have to live 20 more years.


It seems to me that a lot of people are just born with the type of brain that's more prone to religious thought, and this pattern doesn't seem to be disappearing that quickly. The fact that our brains behave that way doesn't mean that any of the things they believe are true. It just means that we're weird.

Dylan Level 5 Oct 7, 2017

Which god? By then some new one may be invented.

DeiP Level 5 Oct 4, 2017



They will still exist if humans still exist. Even now, much to our chagrin, there remain flat-earthers, moon landing deniers, and heliocentrists. We're surrounded by ignorance of things that can be objectively proven beyond any REASONABLE doubt because stupid people are better connected than ever before. We face the Coalition of Village Idiots and their self adulation committee is double staffed.


I don't see it going away in just 100 years, but I hope and honestly do expect that we will one day have a Star Trek-esque society. Sounds like a pipe dream, sure, but I'm a bit of an idealist. 😛


Pretty sure.


I give it a generation. We have to teach our kids not what to think, but how to think.


Most likely but hopeful the numbers Will be much lower

Secular[a]/Nonreligious[b]/Agnostic/Atheist people comprise 15% of the world's population according to Wikipedia

I believe if we were a religion we would be the third largest group...
In us the number are also climbing fast. Not as fadt as i would like to see

Yes correct bro, the non-religious group is the third largest and climbimg fast


There will always be stupid people.

Mojo Level 2 Sep 30, 2017

LOL . . . it's not comfortable to live in a stupid world, I'm sure there's always a way to make things better


Yes. There will always be fearful, ignorant people who prefer to turn their lives over to religious leaders because they themselves lack the capacity for rational thinking. If anything, religious zeal may become even more prevalent, especially now that there's so much turmoil nationally and globally.

Yes, people need to cling on to something


i expect that yes, people will still believe in gods. 100 years is about (depending on where you live) five generations. The majority of our religions have lived much longer than that. There will always be people who promote religion to other adults and through children to impose their own (bizarre) laws and methods of control.

Religious belief is waaay easier than scientific understanding.

Agreeeeeeee ! specially you last line


Not if we keep making advancements in technology. (Thinking optimistic)

. . . cautious optimism?


I don't think so. Maybe, some will believe in it, but they will be a very few people.

Kero Level 2 Sep 30, 2017

To repeat my reply to the others:
There are 7+ billion out of the estimated 7.5 billion people in this planet who are "religious" and Secular[a]/Nonreligious[b]/Agnostic/Atheist people comprise 15% of the world's population, the 3rd largest group, according to Wikipedia


More than likely, yes.

We could fast forward 1,000 years into the future where it's punishable by death to be religious, and you'll still have a small group of people who cling to their beliefs.

It's been 2,000 years and several thousands more before that and still religion is alive and kicking and very profitable, ha-ha!


probably, even if theyre the minority i think they'll exist

According to Wikipedia, "Non-Religious People" comprise 15% of the world's population or an estimated 1.6 billion, the 3rd largest group

i meant 100 years from now not today

Let's ask a statistician to compute how many people will be left on earth after 100 years if those guys won't push the button of their deadly toys

don't think a statistician will be very accurate estimating 100 years into the future

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