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Wisconsin GOP Forced Thousands Of Voters To The Polls During A Pandemic

As the state announced 15 new coronavirus deaths, Republicans insisted on in-person voting in the hopes lower turnout would help them hold on to a critical court seat.

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, tried twice to postpone the election.

First, he called for the Republican-controlled legislature to do so in a special session, but they gaveled out the session in a matter of seconds without taking action. Then he issued an emergency order moving the election to June, but the Republican-allied judges on the state Supreme Court overruled that.

The Democratic Party also sued to expand absentee balloting, but all five Republican-appointed U.S. Supreme Court justices ruled against it.


LiterateHiker 9 Apr 8

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Social distancing applies to politics to. Living in Illinois I don't want them send further corona bs south to infect us.


How pathetic they are,I feel so sorry for the population who has to endure this bullshit ,all about power and could not give a dam about the people


I’ve read ‘they’ve a competitive supreme court race going’ ... not sure how that factors in, but those hateful Republicans deserve this virus - not the voters!

Varn Level 8 Apr 8, 2020
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