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Today tried a new trail. Came around a corner and there were the Enchantments!

Today Karen and I did a huge loop around the top of a mountain above No. 2 Canyon Rd., Wenatchee. WA. We were south of town in the Cascade Mountain foothills. We hiked 7.7 total miles with over 2,000 feet of elevation gain (and loss).

We were trying out a new trail. Came around a corner and there were the Enchantments!

To our delight, we saw two female deer and a male wild turkey. Spooked, the turkey hid in the bushes. Beside the trail, we saw a dried, translucent-white shed snakeskin with rattles.

Washington State is experiencing a drought, setting us up for huge wildfires.

The Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance built a large network of trails up No. 2 Canyon Road last Fall. Old dirt bike paths are designated trails to be built. It's nice to walk on mountain bike trails because they are well-graded and usually smooth dirt.

Thank goodness Karen has a great sense of direction. I'm directionally-impaired. Unmarked trails branched off in all directions. Karen always gets us back to the car.

I had a wonderful time.


  1. Red Paintbrush flowers with the Wenatchee Mountains in the background.

  2. The Enchantments (8,000 to 9,000 feet).

  3. Delicate Spring Beauty flowers.

  4. Yellow Bells.

  5. Bluebell.

LiterateHiker 9 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice photos, you are lucky to have nearby areas to hike, it seems most places here are closed


Nice. Do you hike that far everyday?


I hike that far on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Karen, usually five to eight miles. Sometimes longer.

My leg muscles need a day of recovery time. Karen, 72, hikes every day with her dog.

@LiterateHiker since my gym is closed, I started walking around the neighborhood, only a half mile. I was thinking about starting trails, but I'm so freaked out about ticks , I havent talked myself into it yet ?


Permethrin insect spray kills and repels ticks, mosquitoes and 36 other biting insects.

Odorless and non-toxic, it lasts through six machine washes or 42 days. I spray my pack, hat (inside brim, too), clothes, socks and gaiters. This makes me a walking mosquito Hate Zone.

Spray your clothes the day before. It takes four hours to dry.

Also I wear long pants, long-sleeved sleeves and short gaiters, even in summer.

@LiterateHiker thanks. 🙂


Love the photos!


Thank you!


Wow! Great pictures. If you’re really directionally impaired, you make up for it with other skills, photography and prose, as well as seeing and other things


Thank you! If given a choice of left or right, I'll turn the wrong way.

At age eight, my daughter Claire became my navigator. I didn't quite believe her when she was younger. Claire has a wonderful sense of direction.

Photo: On the left, Claire, 8, was on the Twirlin' Tigers Jump Rope Team. The kids jumped rope down the parade route.

Claire's artist daddy painted the kids' faces. WA State Apple Blossom Festival, Wenatchee, WA.


That's Claire's normal lip color. She was born with sweet pink lips.


You're killin' me!


What is killing you?

@LiterateHiker lol how much time do you have?


I'm retired.

@LiterateHiker The beauty of it all!


Very nice, but I would have liked to see a picture of the rattlesnake skin. Too squeamish?


Snakes don't bother me, either. Now, drop a cockroach in front of me, and you might hear me scream like a girl. 😟


It was windy. Fragile and delicate, the snakeskin was broken in half. Here's what it looked like.

Snakes don't bother me. The Pacific Rattlesnake is non-aggressive. Just don't step on it.

I'd rather take photos of mountains and wildflowers.


Beautiful pictures of nature.


Ah yes, the paintbrush are starting to bloom on my 40 acres also.


A beautiful day had by all,,that pic of the Enchancements is breath taking ,I can see what a surprise it would be,Spring flower are beautiful

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