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The apologist worst cop out.

When interacting with theist the hardest defence to overcome is the argument from personal experience. No matter how delusional the belief is people are not willing to question how they interpreted their experience. If they have no idea what a electric light was and saw one turn on and believe it was god, no amount of teaching will convence them it was not their magical dieity.

The worse argument I constantly get is " You don't understand the Bible". This one is the most annoying I get. No matter what at this point they simply walk away the "victor" with no accountability or thought necessary.

thank you for taking the time to read this rant

DavidLaDeau 8 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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"Please demonstrate that you understand the bible."

I laugh when God Mobsters act superior and claim to know and understand things that atheists do not.

If you don't have MY view you don't understand anything and are not qualified to say anything. Also if you are not in my cult you could not understand.

@DavidLaDeau Yes, that pretty much sums up their position.


Well of course I don't understand the bible... it's nonsensical! I just don't have a head for contradiction fiction I guess.

I like you!

You mean that you are not able to simultaneously hold seven mutually contradictory opinions in your head before breakfast? 😉

@anglophone yet somehow I consider myself to be pretty open-minded, go figure!

@ZenStar I quote Aristotle: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.". You clearly have such a mind: you understand the contents of the Bible while also being fully aware that it is a nonsense.

@anglophone - or possibly that their claimed version of it is a nonsense - which doesn't in fact weaken your point.


You seem to do some conflation equivocation there. As I have discussed with you before, I am no longer a christian but Will try to help you because it really would appear as if they did get the "victory", sort of. In first paragraph you refer to "...their magical deity." Then in next paragraph you say they accuse you of not understanding biblical text. I am not aware of the biblical text to use magic.

One google search for example:
Christian worship is a supernatural event – but it is not a magic show.

In pagan worship, forms and rituals are thought to be inherently effective. The Latin phrase is ex opere operato, “from the work worked.” It is the idea that we can do things that in turn will make God do things. This is the essence of paganism and of magic: that forms of worship or manipulation produce supernatural effects simply by our performing them correctly. []

Understand, that there is a lot about Christianity and paganism that is conflated. If you understood much about God thingies you might could understand that PEOPLE want the magical for power and control of other people. Let me see if I could for you give you this statement in a hypothetical what-if I were the "God thingie": Over the past 2000 years people-monkeys have had the biblical text and not had scientifically reproducible supernatural Harry Potter whiz bang capabilities. These people-monkeys in control of biblical text has used the biblical text to enslave, tax, tithe and control others (or the masses of people-monkeys) so why should I by any means endow any people-monkeys with supernatural Harry Potter style whiz bang capabilities or even do my own "supernatural light show" in the clouds just to entertain and prove myself to people-monkeys?

An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” So he left them and departed. Berean Study Bible. A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Then He left them and went away.
Matthew 16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation demands a ...

You want a "sign" or scientific proof of supernatural whiz bang, then you are going to be considered apart of an evil wicked generation.

Word Level 8 May 1, 2020

You are correct by all means of the Christian view. Magic is by definition supernatural. That is outside the laws of physics. Miracles and magic share an indistinguishable difference by definition. Any supernatural occurances in the Bible are called miracles which is magic. There is simply no difference. I was one told the difference that makes no difference is no difference at all.
Thank you for your input it is appreciated. I hope I have not misunderstood the context of your comment.

@DavidLaDeau Maybe slight misunderstanding but semantics.

Magic defined as: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

I am trying to distinguish between USING magic and BEING the supernatural.

it's like using kinetic energy versus being the kinetic energy.

@Word Magic by defintion and being supernatural by definition do not exist is my pont. Thank you for the clarification, i do now understand the distinction you are making. Thank you for teaching me!


for what its worth, like you i grew up and was "raised" in a very conservative strain of the christian faith. very literal. i have learned that discussion and persuation are useless endeavors. I'm really not interested in those christian opinions anyway because I know what creates them. I really couldn't care any less what those folks think. I don't waste my time with it emotionally or otherwise. it just don't matter to me.

As a result of religion I tryed to kill myself at 14 years old. I do not wish anyone to suffer for what is not real.

@DavidLaDeau sorry it did you that way. your frustration makes more sense in that light. peace.

@hankster Yeah I just can't lay out my story in every comment. Thank you!

@DavidLaDeau of course. take care. kind of makes me feel the urge to wear my shirt out and scare a few...🤪


In HS Psychology the teacher once asked a student if he'd ever been to China. The kid said no and Mr Mertz asked "Then how do you know it's there?"

Never forgot that question. It's a matter of faith but one isn't required to have it. Flat Earthers manage, somehow, to survive and be happy but there's more evidence for China.

I would respond with one word. EVIDENCE. China can be easily confirmed to exist. It is not a faith based conclusion.

@DavidLaDeau We see it that way because, I think, we have an evidence threshold. It meets the test so I'm going to believe in China. They don't. I think suspicion of any encroachment of freedom also requires one to believe in an authority. Someone who is of such character that they can tell me what to do. It's a break on their own extremism. Therefore, there's no amount of evidence other than my own experience of China to say it's there.

@rainmanjr That is why in science or as a proper historian we do not take anyones word for it we verify the claim. Perhaps I am being a bit to hard core here. I do undertand you poiant and in a casual since it is very true.

@DavidLaDeau Sadly it's the average education person who ultimately decide what happens. The professionals merely take it and, if they survive, figure out why. We don't seem to be good at seeing why as it's unfolding.

@rainmanjr Sadly your point is valid.


The constant "I'm right, you're wrong" attitude gets so old.

Really? Well.......your wrong! Lol!

@DavidLaDeau Yeah, I know.

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