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We may rethink the idea of crowded cities. We may form stable and supportive communities. We may utilize mass communication to collaborate. We may employ automation to work for us. We may realize that our intellect and leisure are what rescue us from each other and the existential pit.

Fred_Snerd 8 May 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Or we may just do what we always do, which is forget quickly and slip back into the old habits.


More techno-magic to solve our laziness and overpopulation issues. Won't work.

@Fred_Snerd Techno-magic will not give us peace. As long as we continue to overstep our resource base there will be violence, wars, disasters and pandemics. Many cities, including Seattle, have embraced the urban way of life but still have not been able to slow the crashes of our life support system. I have sent an applicable TED talk on this subject. It simply shows how technology can temporarily avert the inevitable crash but as time marches on the technology must come faster and faster. What we need is a change in people life styles and a reduction in our numbers. Voluntary or with pain and suffering. Our choice.

@Fred_Snerd No we're not. But it's nice we can discuss this openly. I have been in my 'headspace' for 25 years ever since I realized we have a serious environmental problem, left the church and joined ZPG (to name one of many organizations). I lived in a premier city for all the urban advances mentioned for 22 years but yet have seen all the problems that have emerged in spite of the 'advances.' One major issue was and still is homelessness.

@Fred_Snerd I became passionate about this issue when I first became a part of it. A lot of luck got me connected with important people and groups. My late partner was extremely outspoken on most issues and her question to her 2nd graders (she was an elementary school teacher - oh and came to this country from Iran at the age of 24) "What is more important, people or dirt" shook up a lot of people. She was gutsy and had a persona that gave her the ability to say anything to anyone and no one ever got mad. Unfortunately, I often lack that persona. Thanks for bearing with me.

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