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Ladies: would you date me?

Or not?

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LimitedLight 7 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

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You do not have much on your profile so I can't say for sure one way or the other. But you're an atheist (extra points!!!) and nice looking so just going on those 2 things, yes.

Well if you lived closer anyways.

@LimitedLight If you click on me, I have a short paragraph just stating a little bit about myself. Just gives people a feel for who you are and what you're interested in.

@LimitedLight if you go into "My Profile" (hover your mouse over you name to the left of your picture at the top). Then click "Edit Profile" there's a section that says "Biography," that's a good place to just put a little bit about yourself.

@LimitedLight I just looked at yours again. Currently you have the following: Help! About every page I click on says "This page is not working."

That's where a lot of people write a little bit about themselves. Obviously not mandatory but it's nice to see a little info about a person.


That bio tho

You've probably just made @LimitedLight's profile the most viewed on the site as we'll be having a look to see what it says now!

@LimitedLight It's like an amateurfile, but it gets paid.

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