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Food Choices

Wildgreens 8 May 13

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Just to let you know I posted an item about consciousness and non-human species. Hopefully, people will get a connection with torturing and eating animals with a conscious.

I'm looking forward to your video thank you for sharing.

@Wildgreens I did post it and a member made the link between consciousness and animals for food. From fred_snerd "I think many humans discount this as it might make us feel guilty when we torture them and used them for food."

I think you're right. Also speciesism is a product of ego which we are sold on a daily basis.


War = mass killings ...... ask Veterans how they look back on their wars .....I worked in a slaughterhouse after a decade of job discrimination against Atheism litigation for civil rights I won ....the only union job that would hire still hurts deep in my guts knowing I was part of the death machines Navy aircraft or Swifts Independent Packing


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