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Is Anthony Fauci today’s Galileo Galilei, the champion of science?


Defending science and scientific integrity can be a frustrating and lonely battle. As I watch Dr. Anthony Fauci do this on the news, I think of another “battler” who ultimately had the last word.
MAY 14, 2020


t1nick 8 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Critical thinking of the perhaps harshest kind: Seven billion and-counting-exponentially-fast is lethal to all of us.


@t1nick I see hope for you.



Check on your science lovers through this. We are not okay.
It is terribly frustrating to try and defend science and scientific integrity to people who are blind to both concepts and simply looking for an easy answer or feeling of superior knowledge. Sound like a familiar pair? Dr Fauci exudes scientific integrity. I love his more candid videos and greatly admire his willingness to stand firm with science regardless of working on a task force that largely contains people who don't understand the concepts of science or integrity, and are looking for easy answers and belief they have superior knowledge. I cannot wait for Fauci to retire so he can write his book.

In many ways we have entered a "Dark Ages" in the US. Religious superstition and fact denial have replaced reason, facts, and logic.

Perhaps many will do themselves in by ignoring common sense regulations when rushing back into public activities. More and more of the nation's top leadership are showing themselves to be less than stellar thinkers.

Their intellectual acumen is often wanting, as witnessed by the questions leveled during public testimonies (sorry, more prevalent in the GOP than across the ailse). It is a sorry situation that we find ourselves in today.

"In many ways we have entered a "Dark Ages" in the US. Religious superstition and fact denial have replaced reason, facts, and logic."
We really have. I fear we are fast approaching a tipping point unless we find a way to get a grip on the toxic combo of lack of critical thinking skills and rampant consumption of misinformation. There's a saying to the effect that fools talk the loudest. We need to get a helluva lot louder about logic, reason, and facts and find a way to beat that shit back. IMHO

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