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Regarding the economy: people wearing masks can buy stuff, dead people can't. I'll wear a mask, how about you?

glennlab 10 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Always! I also carry a spray bottle of alcohol I use on my hands and mask when I get back in the car. When I bring groceries in I wipe down each item with alcohol.


When needed, yes. When unnecessary, no. I’ll not treat mask wearing as a political statement..

Varn Level 8 May 19, 2020

I bought a hat with a face shield and have been wearing it and gloves. I pulled a muscle in my rib cage and breathings really hard with the mask on.
My trips outside the house are restricted to only to necessities.


I use mask and face visor. I'll not go out without. Life is precious.


Always wear one

bobwjr Level 10 May 19, 2020

I am not going anywhere without a mask and I go nowhere pretty much . Mostly Bcz I work in a covid unit , I am not going to jeopardize anyone’s else’s health . In 8 weeks , I ve been to gardening store once , 3 x at grocery store , and at gas station every week .


Mask and gloves


Just in case, is always a good excuse!!!


I intend to be buying things for a very long time ... so I'm masking it up all the time. Often with gloves. And staying home when possible.


I do. It is a minor inconvenience. Carry alcohol cleaner in my pocket. But that is something I have done as long as I have been a social worker.


I'm protecting everything I can protect. Defying this thing is not in my vocabulary.

I agree. Safer than sorry 👍

@TimeOutForMe Precisely, & I don't give a damn about what anyone else thinks either. I am high risk.

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