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Are the Democrats Dead (Again)?
. . .
“For election after election, the Democrats failed to present either an effective counter to the Republican myth-makers or a program that would effectively address the needs of workers who felt left out.”
by Ted Morgan


skado 9 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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"For election after election"....ummm, before or after Obama?


...there you go again ..more bullshit attacking Democrats?

Suicidal? OK, just don’t take the rest of us with you..

Varn Level 8 May 19, 2020

Stand by for lots more!


@skado Would you agree that LBJ with his 1964 Voting Rights Act (which he predicted would lose the South for a generation) was the last Dem to address the needs of people who feel left out?

Yeah, probably so. I think Carter was, and still is, sincere, but probably did more for people after his presidency than during it.

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