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The devil in me finds this funny, even if it’s not true. And of course it’s not “OK” because they will infect others before they die, and they will contribute to the longevity of the pandemic itself. But I can’t help seeing it in the context of Sapolsky’s baboons.


skado 9 May 23

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Yes, like William said, it lost a bit, especially when I viewed it on the front page where only the video was visible, and the text did not seem to relate to it. Interesting video though.

Though I do wonder if baboon cultures do not vary from troop to troop, and change over time a lot anyway. I remember seeing a documentary about a group of Langur Monkeys, whose culture changed almost overnight, when a single bullying leader was overthrown in a coup, and a similar one about chimps. Which makes me wonder if he is not perhaps overstating the case and the uniqueness of his own, special troop, of which no doubt he is very fond.


Well Charlie, I get the point but I’ve already reproduced and am spawned out. The damage is done already, so your little snide hint doesn’t apply to me. 🙂

Biologically you have. 🙂


The “it” I’m referring to that isn’t true is the Darwin joke, not the Sapolsky video. I wish @admin would make it so we can do the tiniest bit of layout on our own, so we could determine the order in which photos vs. videos are displayed. Thanks.

skado Level 9 May 23, 2020
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