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Ghana or Senegal can do it, but USA and UK can't...

Allamanda 8 May 23

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Interesting will be quite revealing when all the dust settles after this pandemic and the analysis is published. I don’t think some of the Western countries will rank too well in how they dealt with it. I do agree that there is an overweeningly patronising attitude towards Africa and any part of the world, we in the supposed more advanced west, consider to be inferior.


Africa of course, both their governments and populations, has previous experience with a wide range of tropical diseases, especially malaria. They also take things seriously, and don't pander to spoiled brat elements within the population.

@Allamanda I did not say that malaria was comparable with covid. I said that it was part of their experience, meaning that they have cultures used to treating disease with respect. In which case I singled it out for having the greatest cultural impact.

@Allamanda Malaria is totally different, yet a million people die each year from malaria.


Those Africans do have experience with diseases.

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