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The Republican leaders exist solely to support the elite and dumb down the citizens. The Democrats make them look like the adults in the room.

I think we've been completely sold out. I dropped out in the 80's. I highly recommend it.

Fred_Snerd 8 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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No too many care you dropped out.
I just hope there aren't too many of you or we really ARE screwed.
Good luck to you. I'm sure you have a great life.

@Fred_Snerd Ouch.
I was trying to be nice...

@Fred_Snerd Oh, that...heh, heh...
Oh you know Fred, just a difference of opinion!😊We're all adults here...
I just I just thought if a LOT of liberals, progressives, radical anarchists, communists and socialists (to name a few) didn't vote, then PROBABLY relatively MORE conservatives, right-wingers, gun nuts, anti-abortionists, Ayn Rand Objectivists, oligarch toadies, etc., etc., WOULD get elected, which I personally think would be a bad thing.
I know, I know, there's no difference in the U.S. between the 'liberal' party and the 'conservative' party, but darn it, I can't help selling out anyway. Nobody's paying me anything, me living a 'counterculture-ish' and reclusive life in a remote cabin in North Florida, but I MUST be because I DO vote. Just not purist enough, I guess, to understand how not doing so is in any way helpful.
Well, thanks to you and people like you taking your heroic stand, the majority Republicans (who are really the minority except for all the brainwashing) will hopefully eventually enslave us to the point armed rebellion and/or civil war will break out.
Hey, COULD happen...THEN 'we' will take over and everything will be great.
Thanks again.

@Fred_Snerd If you vote for a minor party it is the same thing as not voting.
Sorry but, given our screwed up two-party system, it's true.
And is name-calling necessary? I wouldn't call YOU arrogant. I admire you. It's just on THIS particular point you're DEAD WRONG.
In my opinion.

@Fred_Snerd Yeah right.
Like I said, have a good life.

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