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Hello all hope you are fairing well during self distancing an isolation. The loneliness especially, it's the contact with family an significant other. Good that there is the internet but it's the physical contact is lost an that will be the most damaging.

SecularCat65 5 May 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I am doing well. I will stay with what I am doing to stay safe until the doctors and scientists tell me otherwise. Call me silly, but I don't look to politicians for advice when it comes to issues dealing with my health. I am a hugger and handshaker. This is the tough part, but it has become second nature not to do those things on the occasion I see the 5 or 6 folks I see every once in awhile. i only see them because I know they are taking the same precautions as I do.


Life is not very different for us....we don't socialize anyway, & haven't for years. We just aren't people, people. Our kids live in different towns so we seldom see them at the best of times.

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