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Trump is looking a bit shaky atm and I can see him being removed from the presidency through some sort of breakdown. This would mean president Pence.
So my question is; In an election between Pence and Biden, who would come out on top?
Great choice.

powder 8 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It is best, sad to day.. that trump continues in there as long as possible… Had the Republican Senate done as they should have and removed him via impeachment, things would be vastly different, if not much better.

We need trump to take as many worthless Republicans as possible down with him. Yes, pence is one, and though I feel it’s too late in the game for him to gain the traction necessary to defeat Biden, he’d have a slightly better chance than trump. The nation’s attempting to heal from a bullet to the brain … it’s a slow and delicate process. Biden is our bandage, let’s not remove it yet ~

Varn Level 8 June 2, 2020

That won't happen...


with Pence, the idea of a diverse cabinet would go right out the window. Not a single woman..gone. and god forbid he have to meet with women of Congress. he's not allowed. plus, there's no way in hell we'd ever stand for his bible replacing the Constitution. plus he'd probably just use white out on the part about separation of church and state.
and the idea of some sort of religious police....nauseates me. I think the idea of no premarital sex would go out the window and while there'd be a teen pregnancy problem increase they can't keep us all locked up lol

@powder I think Biden could win. Biden can win. Biden MUST win. I know Biden isn't perfect, but at this stage I'd Take George W Back in a heart beat. Yes, he gave us Iraq and it was a lie etc etc, but he did for 5 min unite us after 9/11 and he didn't make it about him like Trump would. And I don't even think ol'W would call Nazis 'Very fine people'
Trump is the Handsy Uncle, Pence is the Creepy guy in the paneless van...he can watch but can't touch

If he wins reelection then we will have to reevaluate ourselves as a nation. We will have become exactly what we fought 2 world wars and Vietnam and Korea, and an American Revolution among other things to prevent...We will have allowed a grossly unqualified tyrant and a wanna be dictator destroy the very foundation of our Democracy. sorry I rambled

@Pfr1998 Ramble, please 😉


Would not make
He'd rip the mask off of who's REALLY running the show: evangelicals and the super rich.


Not Pence. Nope. No way.
Have you READ The Handmaid’s Tale?
That’s the wet dream of Pence and evangelical extremists like him.

that book freakd me out. I couldn't finish it.

@WaywardAtheist I read it years ago and it disturbed me. Once the Hulu series came out I tried to re read it... couldn’t.

@WaywardAtheist it's likely I would have never tried except that it was an assignment for a class. "Utopias and dystopias in film and literature".... I did have to sit through the movie. the one with Robert Duvall. freaky.

@WaywardAtheist lol... that class was really fantastic except for that one story.


wall street.

As is true of all American elections

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