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Why the US has thugs for police - []

Allamanda 8 June 4

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With 18,000 agencies in the US only the larger, urban agencies wil be able to get all the hardware. I think most average towns are just getting by. Also how does the fact f women and minorities in the forces play out? I agree, with a growing population often comes a growing crime rate. The rate has been going down but it is not because people are behaving better. I do agree this has really gotten out of hand with the police who feel they are above the law and have the mentality, ends justifies the means has created a monster.


I think that in general the police are professional, polite and effective, at least that’s been my experience.

I hear though that in many places there is an out-of-Control rogue element.


There’s also the issue of police unions that sometimes encourage bad behavior and that protect rogue cops.



This mentality is so entrenched in the way our police view themselves that it's hard to imagine a way to disassemble that system. They'll fight hard to keep that power in place now that they have it.


One thing they could do is place a restriction of at least two years for ex-military to be able to apply for a job in law enforcement.

@Allamanda Not the same job.

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