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Atheism and Free Thought for All

So heres my question. Should teachers and adults other than a child's parents be allowed to tell a child the truth when they ask about god and life after death? That neither exist and that we should enjoy what we have now, practice humanism and do the best we can with what we have now?

Redfeather74 2 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I greatly enjoyed The Man from Earth written by Jerome Bixby. Although technically not a movie about Atheism is really took some pretty big swipes at the religious community as a whole. I have watched it a few times now and just push it on all my religious friends every chance I get.


That is tuff. Having worked with students, I could avoid that by describing it as not a subject we discussed in school. Though, felt energized whenever explaining reality.

I ‘homeschooled,’ too. So occasionally had ‘those questions’ run by me via my kids visiting friends. Usually, they felt safe to ask, already aware of my children’s thoughts on the issue. I’d play it safe, though, never saying too much, and knowing their parents well. My hesitation alone allowed them to describe their ‘doubts.’ It felt healthy to simply listen; the doubts are natural, the light in my and my children's eyes when hearing them shared spoke volumes 🙂

Varn Level 8 June 5, 2020
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