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It’s strawberry season...

This is the recipe I use for fresh fruit cobbler; this week was strawberries. My dad always wants one for his birthday.

2-3 cups fresh, sliced strawberries. Sugar them well and let stand several hours, or refrigerate overnight.

Set oven to 350 degrees. In a 9 x 13” pan, place 1 stick butter. Allow butter to melt in oven.

Meanwhile, whisk together 2 cups self rising flour and 1 cup sugar; add 1cup milk(or more) for a smooth batter. Add 1 tsp vanilla.

Into melted butter, pour batter into center of the pan. Spoon berries and juice evenly over top; stop once pan is half full. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes, til top is light brown.


This works with any fresh fruit, or canned, as long as it’s juicy.

CarolinaGirl60 8 June 10

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Sounds like a great recipe. Here in Oregon, the farmer's markets are full of strawberries and the blueberries will be coming on in a couple of weeks. Let's hear it for blueberries!


It is really good. I’ve had some


Yummy for the Tummy 😛


Strawberries are very healthy. I like to cur them up and add them to my morning oatmeal.

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