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how maps are racist

whiskywoman 8 June 12

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Perhaps refer to the history of the Mercator map and consider its application. This may help you with its context.


I find no support for the claim that the Pope commissioned the Mercator map. The Mercator projection was a very valuable invention, providing a navigational chart for sailors in following a compass course. It was never intended for use as a wall map, and such usage has invariably been criticized.

Some people see racism behind every bush.

ive known for a long time the maps were incorrect she shows you how but you don't wanna believe

@whiskywoman I know some things about map projections ma’am. The Mercator projection is not “incorrect”. That projection was a godsend for mariners and has been the standard for centuries. The advantage is that you can measure off a direction, and sailing on that line of constant azimuth will get you to your destination. That line of constant heading is called a rhumb line, and is actually curved.

If you look carefully at the map in the video you’ll see the scales to be used to measure distance. The scale varies depending on latitude. There’s nothing incorrect about it but you just have to know how to use the map.

If that woman is a teacher I shudder.

@WilliamFleming im sure she didn't create the map its just suppose to show a more accurate representation and she is a great teacher maybe you just disagree and that's ok SIR

so many things we grew up with and accept are racist like the war on drugs
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