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LINK Making people aware of their implicit biases doesn’t usually change minds. But here’s what does work | PBS NewsHour

Critically important article if we want to work on our own implicit biases and help deal with those of others. A few choice bits from the interview:

"That particular implicit bias, the one involving black-white race, shows up in about 70 percent to 75 percent of all Americans who try the test. It shows up more strongly in white Americans and Asian Americans than in mixed-race or African Americans. African Americans, you’d think, might show just the reverse effect — that it would be easy for them to put African American together with pleasant and white American together with unpleasant. But no, African Americans show, on average, neither direction of bias on that task."

"The ABC News correspondent Pierre Thomas expressed this very well recently by saying, “Black people feel like they are being treated as suspects first and citizens second.” When a black person does something that is open to alternative interpretations, like reaching into a pocket or a car’s glove compartment, many people — not just police officers — may think first that it’s possibly dangerous. But that wouldn’t happen in viewing a white person do exactly the same action."

"Other strategies that haven’t been very effective include just encouraging people to have a strong intention not to allow themselves to be biased. Or trainers will suggest people do something that they may call “thinking slow” or pausing before making decisions. Another method that has been tried is meditation. And another strategy is making people aware that they have implicit biases or that implicit biases are pervasive in the population. All these may seem reasonable, but there’s no empirical demonstration that they work."

TheMiddleWay 8 June 13

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There was a school district I read about that included in the sex ed class an assignment where the kid was put in charge of a very realistic baby doll. The kid had to feed it on cue, change diapers, etc. A simulation of what caring for a child is really like. There was a drop in unwanted teen pregnancies.
If only white people could go out in public in black skin for one week and see how they get treated.
I am starting to have a real bias against older white men wearing ball caps - they seem to be some of the WORST drivers on the road and many of their vehicles apparently do not come equipped with turn signals.
A bias can be unlearned but it sure takes self evaluation.

Funny, but even in Germany it is said watch out for drivers wearing hats/caps. This seems to be a planetary idea. The people having to carry and care for dolls is also international. Absolutely, we need more programs that put a realistic side on parenthood. These programs need to be given to ALL students.


We can only try. My "own that shit " stance isn't really working.


“What does work” doesn’t come across as very certain in the article. Sounds more like nothing works very well.

Subconscious feelings might affect conscious actions, but conscious analysis can instruct and correct subconscious feelings. That is the entire basis for Maxie Maultsby’s Rational Behavior Therapy.

Those subconscious feelings (fears) got there through the thinking of untrue negative thoughts. You can take sensitivity training until doomsday but unless you communicate with your subconscious mind and undo those original untrue thoughts you’ll get nowhere. It has to be individual—taking a class won’t do it. It is the individual’s original erroneous thinking that gummed up the works, and those thoughts have to be neutralized one by one, going back to thoughts from childhood if possible.

Even if a person can’t remember the original thoughts he can still work on his negative feelings when they arise. All that’s required is careful observation of the feelings and a conscious analysis of what is true. If you write it all out longhand all levels of your conscious self will get the message.

There might not be much motivation for people who have convinced themselves that they are perfect saints. We are actually all in the same boat. This is not about good and evil.

For not being a professional with credentials I am REALLY sticking my neck out, however this is my current understanding.


Plus given the circumstances impratical.

t1nick Level 8 June 13, 2020
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