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More evidence Trump doesn’t care if we die.

Charliesey 7 June 19

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Still ..still.. on a pretty morning ride through the hills & hollows of SW VA … I passed ‘trump flags’ on company flag poles, road signs demanding we ‘drain the swamp,’ along with a multitude of ‘trump yard shrines,’ erected four years ago, with subsequent paraphernalia added…

Within a nation stuffed & fed with suicidal ignorance, they surely take pride in ‘America remaining Number One 😕

Varn Level 8 June 19, 2020

He doesn't care if his own family dies, why would he care if we die.


He cares about the economy appearing to be strong, up until November 4, 2020. After than he doesn't care if you live or die or if your life savings goes down the drain.

barjoe Level 9 June 19, 2020
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