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New research shows the importance of wearing a mask.

New research shows 80% of people who have COVID-19 are asymptomatic (no symptoms). Without a mask, you infect others by spewing respiratory droplets in people's faces, and leaving a cloud of infectious droplets in your wake.

Sadly, 60% of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients have permanent lung damage from the virus, confirmed by CT scans.

Wearing a mask protects other people. You may not know you have COVID-19.

Just finished three cotton masks for my daughter, a friend and me. A 4th mask is partly done. Ran out of bias tape. Took 10 hours. Lightweight, iron-on interfacing is between the two pieces of fabric.

Inside the black bias tape is florist wire. This molds across the nose and cheekbones to eliminate air gaps.

Florist wire is stubbornly wavy after being machine-wrapped tightly in the factory. To straighten it, I threaded the wire end through a hole in the handle of a heavy ice cream scoop. Dangled a weighted length of wire overnight.

To my delight, the weight significantly straightened the florist wire.

LiterateHiker 9 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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If a Spartan soldier dropped his shield in battle he would be executed. Why? Because the shield protects the line; when the soldiers raise their shields in a shoulder-to-shoulder formation the line becomes impregnable. One shield down, vulnerable, breached line, defeat.

If he dropped or lost his helmet or breastplate, he would only be punished. Their purpose was to protect him.


Thank you for your work protecting the family and friends


Have some, volunteer here for first responders and medical volunteer

bobwjr Level 10 June 20, 2020

My wife's brother is a career bachelor snowbird who is very aware of the international news.
Back near the end of Feb. he sent my wife and me each masks with removable filters and a UV chamber for disinfecting breadbox size items.
The masks are not cloth but we wear them whenever we go in public. They are rated 95% plus and when we leave the house and they are easy to wear comfortably and correctly.

Back in the day people used to look at us a little funny and sometimes asked -- but those days are over.

RichCC Level 8 June 20, 2020

I'm so lucky to have a friend that gave me a mask very similar to what you produce. I wore it and washed it every day. I used it until another friend gave me one her doctor recommended because she has a kidney issue. I don't know what we would do without good friends in this world.

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