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Atheist ego is a balloon ready to burst, it doesn't match with their accomplishments in life. Most of the people here are average or subpar. Ego doesn't match where they are in life. Who's gonna get triggered?

Rich177 5 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm trying to understand your point. Are you suggesting there's a correlation between your religious beliefs or lack there of, to your accomplishments in life?

Level 1 June 21, 2020

No, I'm suggesting that if you are fat, got no money, 60 plus years old, have no children, but think you are smarter than Einstein just because you're an atheist, your ego is probably overinflated. Maybe someone who has a 6 pack abs, a family, and is wealthy who happens to be Christian is actually more intelligent than the atheist that didn't accomplish anything. Being atheist doesn't automatically make you successful in life, as some seem to believe. Backing off from the ego and simply enjoying life is better than arguing with someone on this site or abusing people just to boost your own ego because your life sucks. Ego is fragile, and your self esteem shouldn't be related to what you have or don't have in life, but rather, simply being and at peace and enjoying life and then your ego won't be shattered every time someone says something you don't agree with.

Is this question you are asking me to validate your own ego?


Of course I am subpar. If I was a high achieving atheist/agnostic I would be out there living life, instead of wasting time trying to make a small contribution to the world on social media. But still I am just thankful I have just enough of a life to be able to make a contribution. It could after all be far worse, I could be a really sad person whose life was so dismal, I would need to go out trolling for reactions to get a bit of a short lived thrill, don't know that I would want to go on living if things were that sad.


Do you need a hug? There there little one, Did the bad atheist hurt your feelings in Jr. High today? Do you feel better now? -Where is your evidence? Looks like you started off triggered.


What do you mean by "where they are in life?"

TO_BY Level 7 June 21, 2020

What have they accomplished to justify an overly inflated ego?

@Rich177 I think you're making a pretty big judgment there. People can speak freely here without having to achieve whatever expectations you have of them. I've learned a lot from people in the short time I've been here. Try listening instead of judging people. You'll have a better experience.

@TO_BY well, what did you learn?

@TO_BY in order to "teach", as you say, one must have demonstrable results. On here, you got a lot of broke people who are experts on , fat people that are experts on health, abusive personalities that haven't done anything with their life, exactly what can you learn from them except as an example of what NOT to be?


I am getting very tired of these kinds of posts, big on hyperbole and small on actual ideas and content. Turn up here and throw some paint and we are supposed to do what, engage seriously? Nothing burger posters with nothing burger posts are a waste of bandwidth on this site.


Don't forget to get up for church tomorrow. Make sure you don't wear a mask. Let those water droplets spray freely while praying to that fictitious God along with the rest of the morons.

barjoe Level 9 June 20, 2020


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