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Alright, many people are talking about their Dads. My Dad never came and saw me play or shit or whatever. He did visit me in the military and do vacation shit. Taught me a little about cars (my brother more). He was terrified, like all of us, of my Mom, little 100 pounds five feet oneish.
Anyway, he did teach me some good shit. He was a staunch union supporter, loved FDR, socialism, hated Reagan.
Army veteran. Most likely had undiagnosed PTSD. Walked across France as a medic.
I lived in a very white place, Southern Lancaster county, as a kid. One day, I was with my Dad at a little general store having a soda and a candy bar while he bullshit with some old timers. Anyway a black mother and two kids came in. The kids went into the toy/candy room. Folks got what they wanted and left. The store owner made a disparaging remark about the black folks. My Dad got up. Bitched that guy out one way and up the other. That was a good lessen at ten years old.

Beowulfsfriend 9 June 21

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They used to have annual Cross Burning at a farm in Lancaster County. You have the Amish but there'is a Klan element in Central PA.

barjoe Level 9 June 22, 2020
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