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I love these memes

whiskywoman 8 June 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I really like the PC idea!

me too it is a great idea and I have sent 5 for diff members of my family lol

Did you do a post about Vera Lynn? I read she just died (103) and I would like to do a posting and pay her some honor. I love her songs.

@JackPedigo Yes...I posted The White Cliffs of Dover...others posted too. We’ll Meet Again..for instance.

@Marionville When was this posted? It's so hard going back and trying to find one post. I would like to add information about her life and death.

@JackPedigo I posted White Cliffs Of Dover on 18th June...the day she died, in the Music Fans Group. You can go back and find it...I just did

@Marionville Thank you marion.

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