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It seems there are a lot of experts on COVID and mask wearing.

What is the science supporting your view on the current coronavirus, how it spreads, its danger relative to previous viruses and how the body copes with it?


Who do you trust to tell you answers to the above question, what makes them credible and what are their sources?

Please cite original source material from laboratory work and actual data and try to avoid opinion pieces, anecdotal sources, estimates or computer projections.

beenthere 7 July 1

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A User's Guide To Masks: What's Best At Protecting Others (And Yourself) []

A great guide to masks. "..protecting others is the primary reason to wear a mask."
Got to watch the false sense of security. "These masks might buy you a few extra minutes of protection, she says, but "not hours. Not lengthy periods of time."
It seems we have entered a new societal paradigm. If minimizing our exposure to viruses is priority #1 and masks are now part of that solution, in the future, when would we ever not wear a mask? Will the coronavirus ever not be a threat?


Just look at what doctors & nurses have done in every operating room/infectious situation since Germ Theory was propounded!
No need to reinvent the wheel, just protect yourself & those around you from tiny droplets containing gawd-knows-what. How smart do you need to be to see this?


I get the feeling that you wouldnt believe incontrovertible scientific fact if were presented to you. But here is a simulation study performed by the Florida Atlantic University. This is just one of a dozen or more studies that all show consistent results and the same conclusions.


And why would you get that feeling?

An interesting simulation. Though, it seems they didn't take it all the way. Too bad they didn't perform additional simulations with masks and various sized droplets?


There are at least a dozen more available online

@beenthere not looking very hard, are ya......

@AnneWimsey Lol

@AnneWimsey, @t1nick And did those dozen more perform a more complete analysis? I'm not telling anybody they're wrong, just asking to see the data and experiments that support your conclusions to see if they bring me to the same place. This does not preclude us from questioning further. In fact, it is only by asking questions that we might discover more about the truth. Perhaps a process not so different from what led us to our agnostic, athiest or existential beliefs.


I think I wasnt too far off with my initial assessment. You won't believe the scientific evidence even if its incontrovertible. I fear you may have an alternative agenda, like searching for a reason for you not to have to wear a mask.

The definition of a scientist is someone who is skeptical. But this conclusion is a no brainers.

@beenthere not looking very hard, are wonders why


...done that.

Include a link to it.


What info can we give you that the experts don’t already have?

@yvilletom The experts having the info does no good if it is not disseminated and even then the info is no good if it is incomplete or anectdotal.

@beenthere you, sir, appear to glory in being willfully obtuse!

@AnneWimsey Belittling others may make you feel better but it gets us no closer to the truth, knowledge or wisdom.

@beenthere asking stupid, obvious, purposefully incendiary questions doesn't either! Ever hear "you reap what you sow"??????

@beenthere where, exactly, is it "not disseminated"? Every news broadcast, every newspaper, signs on the door of businesses, the radio, aaannnddd etc.....not to mention the widespread denigration in 0ers9n & all media) of fools not wearing them.....

@AnneWimsey yvilletom responded "done that" as though he did something. What did yvilletom do? I am not disputing your original comment or the dissemination. I asked people to provide the sources they found credible or the science behind their views.


It is best to follow the advice of the WHO, which is probably the most credible and widely sourced.

I'm a little skeptical of that organization because of political influence and corruption implication.

@beenthere That is unlikely to affect the advice it gives out on the biology and technology. It is still a good go to for that since it is there that you will get the best meta- analysis.

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