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If you really think about it, anthropology kind of proves Christianity wrong.

Anthropology and knowledge of human evolution have effectively debunked the entirety of the Garden of Eden and, by extension, Adam and Eve.

Without Adam and Eve, there is no original sin. Without original sin, there is no reason for Jesus to be sent down. Without Adam and Eve, Christianity sort of falls apart.

wjwolfe 5 Nov 24

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Anyone who takes the Bible literally is beyond debating. You can not argue with blind faith, because proof doesn't matter. If someone researches the Bible, and not just what's in it, or preached about it, this becomes evident. The Bible (Old Testament) teaches moral lessons, while creating a history that fits the social control mechanism that was being employed when written in the 7th. century B.C.E. One of many examples is the name of the tree the forbidden fruit came from. It wasn't the tree of good and evil, but the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. This is a fairly accurate translation from Hebrew and displays the fact that knowledge, learning, open mindedness is the problem, and that man should have blindly followed what they were told to do, just like all churches teach to this day. Knowing from where and how the book was created, makes it impossible to believe literally. The lessons are important. The rest is archaic and not suitable for modern society.


I don't think you can prove a myth or a story "wrong." It's just that, a story. An allegory. Sin is subjective and cultural. Sex wasn't always considered taboo. That came along with property rights and rights of inheritance. I do have to remark that the Adam and Eve story is very inventive and that all life does rely on the soil. It's just a wee bit sexist as in a whole lot sexist.But rather interesting if you take the snake (forbidden fruit) to represent sex outside marriage. Again all about land and water rights. Isn't it funny that the Bible's history, property, social stratification, hierarchies, and disputed land seemed to come together? Or am I wrong about all this?


Common sense proves Christianity wrong.


Believers have hated scientists ever since Charles Darwin published his Theory of Evolution, because it cast the Garden of Eden story into doubt. When dinosaur bones were discovered that put the final nail in their coffin, coz there were no dinosaurs in the bible.
Nowadays, when they get sick, they go to church and pray to god for his blessing, then head down to the hospital for an MRI scan. The MRI machine is one of the most scientific things you can imagine, but there weren't any MRI machines in the bible! They can hate some scientists and love others when it suits them..


It doesn't take much to prove Christianity wrong, anyone who thinks that our planet could be designed and built in 6 days is a total knob head, not only do they believe it but they also believe that the Earth is only 6000 years old.
Below are some statistical facts about the Earth.

Maximum distance from the sun: 94, 537,000 miles.
Minimum distance from the sun: 91,377,000 miles.
Mean distance from the sun: 92, 957, 200 miles.
Mean Orbital velocity: 66000 miles per hour.
0rbital eccentricity: 0.017.
Obliquity of the ecliptic: 23 degrees, 27 minutes and 8.26 seconds.
Length of the tropical year: equinox to equinox 365.24 days.
Length of the sidereal year: fixed star fixed star 365.26 days.
Length of the mean solar day: 24 hours and 3 minutes and 56.5555 seconds at mean solar time.
Length of the mean sidereal day: 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.091 seconds at mean sidereal time.
Mass: 6600 million, million, million tons.
Equatorial diameter: 7927 miles.
Polar diameter: 7900 miles.
Oblateness: one 298th.
Density: 5.41.
Mean surface gravitational acceleration of the rotating earth: 32.174 feet per second per second.
Escape velocity: 7 miles per second.

Albedo: 0.39


Exactly. You've hit the proverbial nail on its head. And this is precisely why fundamentalist Christians insist on biblical literalism and claim the earth is only about 6,000 years old. Other denominations are more figurative, but without Original Sin there's no reason for a scapegoat blood sacrifice. Science really does destroy Christianity at a fundamental level, which just goes to show how powerful a hold faith has on people.


I saw two preachers on stage. One of them started talking in tongues. The other preacher couldnt stand it, so he started talking in tongues too. Then he tried to have a conversation with the other preacher while speaking in tongues. It was hilarious to see the other try to answer him back.
Whats the point. Its all bullcrap. Even what you read in the bible. You can't debate it because it ain't real. Its generation's of stories. They found another 1000 scrolls that say something else then the bible. Its a guideline to get a day off.



Yes, you nailed it right. Anthropology teaches quite different things that conflict with Christianity. In Christianity, the problem is sin and the solution is salvation. Anthropology removes both parts.

My conservative Christian university won't teach anthropology for the above reason.


The religious, in general, are offended by science because they think it's out to destroy their beliefs, which is not the case.
Scientists are just going about their business doing whatever they do in their respective fields. The fact that they've never found anything to back up the fables in the bible doesn't mean anything to them because it's not what they're looking for.


...which is precisely why Christians (even Christian scientists) come from their interpretation bias of faith. God first. Bible first. All facts and evidence is viewed through that bias.

It's like trying to talk to a flat-earther. They have their premise through which they interpret everything else.


Without gullibility, Christianity is moot. ????

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