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LINK A Spike in People Dying at Home Suggests Coronavirus Deaths in Houston May Be Higher Than Reported | Talking Points Memo

What could be their motivation for doing this? I don't get it. Is it so they can say that the death rate is lower? Why would they want to do that?

barjoe 9 July 9

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Apparently the same phenomenon occurred in the Northeast. From the article:

“Many people who die at home are not tested for COVID-19, said Dr. Jeremy Faust, an emergency medicine physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. In New York City, for example, only 16 percent of the 11,475 at-home deaths between February and June have been attributed to COVID-19, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

I surmise that autopsies take time and money and that there are limited resources for doing them. There is nothing gained by publishing a perfect death toll number. Yet autopsy information would be very important in tracking down and testing those who had been around the deceased person.

“In May, among people who had died unexpectedly at home, the county medical examiner attributed just six deaths to COVID-19. In June, the number jumped to 19, with most of those cases coming in the second half of the month, coinciding with a surge in the number of confirmed coronavirus cases locally. Because the medical examiner only performs autopsies in a fraction of cases, these numbers are not comprehensive.”

Those numbers are minuscule! Why write an article about 19 cases when thousands are dying? Yes, autopsies are performed in only a fraction of cases, but even if you extrapolated I doubt you’d get a very large number. A good investigator would have found out what that fraction is and would have reported an estimate of the unreported deaths.

It’s politics. Certain people are itching to see the South stricken.

The South is stricken, and getting worse. North Carolina, for example.
Do you even understand the word "exponential"?????
Your constant attempts at minimizing this thing are getting tiring, not to mention what your real agenda is...oh, wait, drump supporter.....many of the things you have Falsely claimed/posted come directly form Faux!

Yes in NYC They had so many people dying they overlooked people who died at home. Intentionally maybe. Trying to cut panic. It didn't work. People were still dying right and left.

@AnneWimsey Actually I don’t support Trump, but I don’t hate him and I respect those who voted for him. There’s nothing to be gained through fear, hatred and divisiveness, and everything to lose for those who wallow in those emotions. What is “Faux”? I guess you are talking about Fox, which I never watch or read online. You are stereotyping.

NC has suffered 14 deaths per 100,000, quite low compared to other places.

If you have any factual information to discredit what I wrote I would be interested in your ideas. Personal attacks mean nothing. You are hurting only yourself because I don’t much care what you say.

@WilliamFleming not true about of the first states on my CT's quarantine list....infection rates waaay over our bar. And may I inquire why you Always ignore infection rates?....there are Serious side effects associated with Covid for the survivors. Brain damage, heart damage, lung damage Not important?

@WilliamFleming Remember we spoke about lagging deaths. Today Florida has 8K new cases based on very low testing but 20% positive tests, very high. Sadly 119 deaths in Florida, today their highest daily total. Slowing testing didn't help stop that. Condolences and thoughts go out to the families. Very sad and scary. Stay safe William.

@AnneWimsey I don’t minimize the seriousness of the epidemic, but I object to the stirring up of fear, and I just hate the tendency to turn this into a political and sectional battle.
When I react to sectional attacks it is because of my sensitivity in that area. That’s where I’m at at this point. Maybe someday I’ll grow out of defensiveness regarding my native South.

. My opinion is that to see how different areas have been affected you need to look at deaths.per capita. Total case number is not a meaningful figure because it is commonly said that only a small fraction of cases are ever reported—maybe one in ten. Besides that, most of those who tested positive have recovered. I am aware that some people suffer long-term bodily damage, but I haven’t been able to learn the percentage so affected. You are right—that is troubling.

The whole thing is troubling, but life is full of trouble. We can only do our best to protect ourselves and our neighbors and to ride this out without attacking each other.

Stay safe.

@barjoe Thanks, and you stay safe also.

@AnneWimsey North Carolina appears to be hiding deaths. It doesn't matter. It's not like they're bringing these people back to life. It's just data manipulation


So people will not panic, and go back to work. Food riots & general riots could easily start if panic sets in.....remember how ugly it got over toilet paper & there was No reason for it? Remember how there was no meat even in Costco? What do you think will happen if Reality appears?

They seem to be very content with things getting ugly. You're given them credit for caring about the general public. Do you think it might be about the elections?

I think it is going to take people dyeing because they can't go to a hospital and there are no ICU beds left before people start to realise they are being lied to. It's appalling the lack of respect for human life that is been shown by the Trump administration. It' a kin to genocide what going on.

@barjoe no, they're not care about the General Public, nor did I mean to imply I thought so....they care about the Stock Market & their servants serving lobster....which could not happen during major rioting. And sickness

@dermot235 people are dying

@dermot235 you mean, like what happened in NYC, only much, much bigger? I give it 60 days or less. Time to understand the word "exponential", people!


I have no doubt that figures are being under reported in lots of states. The real figure is higher for sure. Hiding the true extent of the Pandemic is what republicans have been doing for months now

Why? What motivation?

@barjoe You are joking I assume

@dermot235 I'm not joking. I want people to articulate it.

@barjoe Deny and hope that deaths can be under reported before the November elections. I think it's not going to work. But There is already a whistleblower in Florida. Number of cases going up but deaths are not going up as fast. Something is wrong

@dermot235 Rebekah Jones. Data Scientist was fired for refusing to manipulate data.

@barjoe I would not be surprised if the death toll is already 200,000 and is being under reported. There are already figures coming out of the UK that suggest their death toll was about 80,000 and not the 42,000 that the government gave out

Don't think it's 200K. I think it's being underreported in specific states. Texas, Florida, Georgia come to mind. Look at the Russian Federation and China. Deaths are greatly underreported there.

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