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Where are they? Those televangelists who claim to heal in “the name of the lard”

Lightupmylife 7 July 12

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Hells bells, these televangelists should set up a tent right beside all those drive up testing tents, lay hands on people and heal them !!!! COVID-19 solved, amiright?

Ohub Level 7 July 12, 2020

A hospital chaplain makes about 50k a month , works a 40 hr week deal , in a suit , has an office , and even has an assistant . Full health care options and retirement plan .

All he does for 7 hrs a day ( bcz u know , has to have an hr of lunch ), is walking around and telling people that god will heal their cancer , and if not , this is his Devine plan and u should accept . Also telling anyone that he will add them to his prayers or , bonus , he will pray w them right there at bed side .
We doing it wrong . Chaplain goes home well rested , poor him self a drink and he is stress free . We doing it wrong !

And he might not even be a believer himself.

@Sticks48 exactly .


The don't want to get Covid-19. They certainly wouldn't care if they conned dying people though.

barjoe Level 9 July 12, 2020
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