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How does an Atheist impact the world as they don't believe in a personal creator (God)?

maleka9422 3 Apr 6

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I don't understand the question... How does a religious person impact us? Why does their religion matter to their impact on us?

Bree Level 4 Apr 6, 2018

Wtf does God have to do with an impact on the world?

Atheists are doctors, lawyers, and every other walk of life--all doing so without a fictional love/hate sky monster that no one needs.


Everyone and everything impacts the world just by existing and interacting. Being an Atheist has no bearing on impacting the world.

So true and well said.


Is it necessary to believe in a god or gods to work toward changing the world for the better?


Can you rephrase the question please? This is confusing

MsDee Level 5 Apr 6, 2018

WTF does believing in a god have to do with having an impact?? It's not a requirement.

Remi Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Gee, I did Stephen Hawking et al impact the world?


You have to realize that as an athiest or agnostic, we don't have some sort of omnicient being recording whether we leave the toilet seat up or down and other such important things. We effectively have three judges:

  • Ourselves
  • Other People
  • History

Ourselves are both the easiest and hardest to please judges, because let's face it, you have to do what lets you get out of bed the next morning without kicking yourself. The society that we live in will judge us as well, whether it's someone like an actual judge in a court, or just someone we know casually. And, though we probably won't be around to see it, history will also judge us, whether we're significant enough to make it into a textbook, or just that relative who has stories passed around the dinner table about them. So those are the ultimate judges of how we impact the world.


I can speak for myself. I impact the world by always being reasonable, honorable, and kind. There is no forgivenss coming to me. I must forgive myself and I must forgive others.
I was very young when I started to realize that there was no God, no Omnipresent being. It is hard for me to relate to people who do believe in the existance of such an entity or entities.

joan Level 2 Apr 6, 2018

By being that which I want the world to be. (I am the world as much as anything or anyone else is.) We are human first. Being religious or atheistic is at most secondary but usually irrelevant.


I cannot impact the world, I can only work on my corner of it. I work for environmental causes and social justice issues!

BillF Level 7 Apr 6, 2018

I try to aide those who cannot afford basic necessities such as food or clothes by giving/buying those things for them. I lend an ear to those in both physical and emotional pain. I am not nasty to people unless they be with me first, I believe in spreading kindness and understanding. I volunteer with local charity events and expect absolutely no compensation for such, not even a thank you. That's just to name a few, and I do all that not for any reward of any kind or because I fear some sort of retribution for not doing so, I do it because I know it makes a positive difference in the lives of those I assisted. Observation is key, if it is observed that people are happy or appreciative after doing such gestures, then it is fine to help in that manner and safe too. If any action causes someone to become angry or distressed, then I know said action(s) would be wrong to do. An other worldly being could not nor cannot determine that for me, I must do that for me and figure it all out, and it starts with interaction.


Me being an atheist doesn’t really impact believers. Except we won’t let the theists run this country like it is a theocracy. We will fight you every step of the way.


Understanding that there is no all-powerful supernatural being and bringing that knowledge to the world makes it a bit saner


Why do you think a belief in a creator dictates your ability to have impact in the world?


Everyone’s CREATOR from the beginning of time has been their Parents. If the Parents perceive a religious belief; that principle is passed down to their offspring. Seeing is believing, therefore what you ascertain as your biological architect is your true Creator, what you envision as God is fantasy.


Your not an Atheist? And who is us?


The question is deeply flawed. How did George Carlin impact the world?


I don’t think belief in god in any way gives you any advantage in impacting the world, perhaps drive to. I think we each have a subjective desire to make an impact and usually the driving force if that has nothing to do with religion or lack thereof.


Having impact and believing in a creator are orthogonal to each other; they are seperate ideas that have very little to do with each other. Everyone has some impact (positive or negative) within each aspect of their life. For example, I generally have a positive impact within the main role in my job whereas I have a negative impact in terms of my carbon footprint. There are people who believe in a creator who have had both positive and negative impacts (to various degrees) on the world; the same could be said for non believers. A scientist might have great positive impact within their work and have a terribly negative impact on their family, regardless of their belief in a creator.


In all the same ways anyone else impacts the world.
A personal creator doesn't exist (unless you count your parents), so anything
impactful anyone does, is just what they do. Even if they believe in a "god", what
they do doesn't mean any more or less than someone who doesn't believe, who does the same thing,

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