As I get older my dreams seem more deep and meaningful. they also often have a beginning, a middle and an end. anyone else?
If I'm dreaming, it's usually a nightmare, or at least something very bad. Sometimes I can figure out why those thoughts might even be in my head, but usually I can't. They usually involve some kind of bad situation I'm in, like only the elevator floor moves up, and I'm going to be crushed, or I'm getting sucked into a dam and going to drown, or falling dreams where I wake up in a panic with my heart racing.
Every now and then they'll be pleasant, which usually involves sex, but the last dream I remember, from a couple of days ago, went something like this. I'm at a party. Two prostitutes show up. The next thing I know, I'm having sex with one of them, and when we finish, I realize it was totally unprotected. I mean... wtf?
So yeah. No clue why, but my dreams usually suck.
My dreams when I remember them seem disjointed and nonsensical. In the most recent one I remember, I was watching a groundhog chase my car around an abandoned gas station/garage with no doors, just openings. I remember very clearly that there were cracks in the pavement with weeds growing out of them. It was really detailed, but I don't have a cat.
I've had interesting dreams over the years. Many that are very similar and have to do with finding my way through a building or landscape. When I was younger I had "soap opera" dreams that would start one night and continue for days, picking up where they left off the night before. Weirdly, all the people in those dream had no faces.
I have noticed that the more stressed I am the more vivid and realistic my dreams are, and I'm more likely to dream about my deceased parents. It is almost as if they are still here, even though my dad has been gone for 23 years, and my mom for 10 years.
I get night terrors and I have to take meds to stop them. Most nights I don't remember my dreams when the medication works. Wednesday I had night terrors again and I didn't sleep well.
I've had them one time, when I was in my early 20s, and I think that was the most terrifying thing I ever experienced in my life. I was alert, but couldn't even move an eyelid.
@MollyBell It is scary.
I really can’t tem them, mostly. On occasion I do remember, but they are fleeting.