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How about...
After scrolling through about 10 tv channels, two of which were gospel screaming proselytizers,
it occurred to me why aren't there any atheists doing the same thing?
Maybe if youngsters and others were exposed to atheist rationality it might be easier to spread the word. What are your thoughts? Are there atheist television shows I'm not aware of?

lerlo 8 July 16

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Perhaps an anti-theist show would work better.

bingst Level 8 July 16, 2020

perfect--something to give people a choice


The screaming proselytizers are out to save your soul and grab your money, which is why they scream at the populace. I find that atheists tend not to fit that mould.

Exactly! An atheist show would not to try to take any money from you but explain why you're delusional for believing in a non-existent entity and therefore saving your soul!! 🙂


I personally believe in nothing. Unnecessary to broadcast nothing.

barjoe Level 9 July 16, 2020

guess you won't be watching the show--kinda like not responding to posts that don't affect you 😉

@lerlo I don't think we should proselytize. We should fight for constitutional separation of church and state. Freedom of religion and freedom from religion.

@barjoe We don't have to fight for it, it already exists. We have to fight to protect it.


There are some reasonable but not great ones on Youtube, like Atheist Experience and Talking Heathen, but nothing great.

Having said that, you could also say that it is hard to motivate people to sell a none idea, than a positive one. You may be able to sell snow in Antarctica, but lets shovel up all the snow and get rid of it ?

The show, which unlike extolling the virtues of a non-entity, would explain the rationality behind the non-existence. No attempt to prove a negative but explaining all the reasons why it makes no sense. Like both teams praying before a game and one team loses. god's plan or good is an asshole? Players pointing to the sky when they hit a home run but not when they strikeout etc.etc.

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