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When someone says this is the most important election in our lifetime, they’re downplaying the stakes. This is the most important election in human history.
This is the most important election in human history — and Joe Biden finally gets why

desertastronomer 7 July 17

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Thank you. Some of these trollist jokers actually call Joe a racist...don't they get it, that it's irrelevant (even if true, which is highly questionable)? This transcends all that, and most other ideological concerns (although they're very important, to be sure). This is about the future of democracy in this country. It's about everything this country (at least used to) stand for. This downward spiral has got to be reversed or at some point it'll be too late.
I'm optimistic most people DO get it.


It's important that Trump be stopped. Don't know about human history but it's important to the future of our democracy.

barjoe Level 9 July 17, 2020
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