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LINK Trump's Intervention in Portland Shows that the Republican Party Has Lost Its Way on States' Rights

I had wondered about state's rights in the back of my mind with Trump sendign in "federal agents" (actually private contractor mercenaries) into cities uninvited by states or local government. Trump's actions have pretty much demolished the State's Rights arguement of many conservative groups.

snytiger6 9 July 27

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"Lost its way"....implies an accident. This is very deliberate, isn't it?


The only states rights they ever supported was slavery, Jim Crow and segregation.

barjoe Level 9 July 27, 2020

Do't forget that the Republicans were much more ''civil rights'' focused than the Democrats a century or two ago. Sadly...they were the party of Lincoln.

@LucyLoohoo That changed when LBJ signed civil rights legislation 1964. George Wallace removed the south from democrats in '68 and Nixon switched them to GOP with his Southern Strategy '72. It's been that way ever since.

@barjoe Of course...but the GOP isn't going to let people forget about the past....unless, of course, it shows them badly!

@LucyLoohoo When Lincoln called Democrat - party of treason he was right. If you want to call today's GOP party of treason you would be right as well.

@barjoe I'd call it the party of SHAME!

@LucyLoohoo traction was a typo. The GOP has no shame.

@barjoe Well....that is certainly the truth! Very well said, barjoe!

@barjoe I think the change started when Truman desegregated the armed forces. LBJ just finished the party's role reversal on civil rights

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